Jasmine Mendez ’20, School of Social Work

Why did you choose UConn? I chose the UConn School of Social Work because of its location in downtown Hartford, and the area of focus in Community Organizing. What’s your major and why did you choose it? I chose Community Organizing because I realized that there are a lot of systems that are not broken, […]

Jasmine Mendez '20, Social Work

Why did you choose UConn?
I chose the UConn School of Social Work because of its location in downtown Hartford, and the area of focus in Community Organizing.

What’s your major and why did you choose it?
I chose Community Organizing because I realized that there are a lot of systems that are not broken, but work in the way they are supposed to, to disenfranchise marginalized communities. Through community organizing, we can gather power to dismantle those systems and re-envision a better society.

Who was your favorite professor and why?
I love all of my professors! They all have taken the time to help me and guide. I can name a few: Dr. Bob Fisher! Us History majors stick together! He taught me the meaning of anger. And how to use anger, or social grief to change the world. Dr. Megan Feely, “although she be little, she is fierce!” Future Dr. Angela Bellas is a true mentor and a tribune for the people. Milagros Marrero-Johnson, she called me out, sat me down, and lit a fire under me. Pat Wrice has a special place in my heart and always will.

What was your favorite class and why?
My favorite class was Grassroots Organizing. In that class we got to put into practice all that we have learned about theories and apply them to real-life issues in real time. We walked in the rain to join other community organizers who were fighting to stop an unlawful deportation.

What are your plans after graduation?
After graduation, I will take a victory nap in the name of self-care. Then when I wake up I will continue to community-organize for education equity, the abolishment of the prison system, the end to environmental and systemic racism, and the end of white supremacy. I will work on a campaign and maybe run for office.

What activities were you involved with on campus?
I enjoyed co-chairing the Organization of Black Social Work Students (OBWS). Black Social Workers Matter! I am glad that I was given the opportunity to learn beside some of the best Black social workers in the field! Their passion is unmatched, and I cannot wait to see what my colleagues accomplish.

What’s one thing all UConn students should do during their time at UConn?
During their time at UConn, Social Work students should definitely get involved in GSO. Even if you don’t chair, be involved in the graduate groups on campus. It is a great way to get to know your peers. All UConn Social Work students should attend the Nancy Humphreys Campaign School! Voting is social work. Social workers have the power to re-enfranchise the disenfranchised and change not only American but the world. I would like to suggest a special, 2020 Election version, as this election will be essential for the lives of our clients, communities, and policies.

How has UConn prepared you for the next chapter in your life?
UConn has armed with me with the tools and the passion to take on the world. I have found my community, and cultivated relationships that will continue for a lifetime.