Adonis Julius Andrews is the first baby to be born at UConn John Dempsey Hospital in 2021.

Weighing in at 7 lbs. 5.8 oz. and 20.5 in. long, this baby boy arrived unexpectedly nearly two weeks early at 5:40 a.m. on New Year’s Day.
Adonis is the first child of “very excited” and “tired” mom, Kristen Johnson, 30, of Vernon, who labored for 36 hours with dad Anthony Andrews this time by her side. As a dad-to-be, Andrews was unable to attend her regular pregnancy doctor appointments due to COVID-19 restrictions.
“But this time around I could be there for her, just me, her, and the baby,” shared Adonis’ proud dad. “His name means ‘handsome’, and he sure is, he’s adorable!”
“We knew it was going to be a boy,” shared Andrews, but the couple didn’t expect Adonis to be born so early with a due date of Jan. 12. “His birthday will never be forgotten.”
“It’s amazing,” says Mom. “Adonis is doing very well. He’s a very funny baby already. No matter how many times we wrap him up in his blanket he keeps kicking his feet out, and already so expressive making all kinds of funny faces.”
“UConn Health did a very great job. I had phenomenal nurses and doctors to get my baby here safely. For me it was like having a bunch of partners.
“When it’s time for baby number two we’re coming right back here to UConn,” says Johnson.

After the arrival of her bundle of joy, what is this new mom looking forward to most in 2021?
“Just watching Adonis grow and becoming a mom for the first time, and hoping for a normal world to return so people can come around to meet him,” stresses Johnson who even had to have a drive-by baby shower outside her home’s garage so family and friends could celebrate with her in some small way.
“But the pandemic may have been a blessing in disguise, since I never got sick at all during my pregnancy since I was not around anyone.”
The care team for mom and baby from Labor & Delivery at UConn Health included Dr. Prachi Godiwala who delivered Adonis with Ashleigh Surprenant, RN, and the baby’s nurse Sarah Pelletier, RN.
Happy and healthy new year to the new mom, dad, and baby boy.