John Tuite’s full-time job is delivering the morning news on WILI radio in Willimantic and then literally spinning records as host of the “Vinyl Frontier,” where he plays tunes to fit the theme of the day he selects.
Often later in the day Tuite has the best seat in the house for Husky basketball and ice hockey games at Harry A. Gampel Pavilion, XL Center and Mark Edward Freitas Ice Forum as the public address announcer, introducing players, providing information about the game and upcoming events.
However, the COVID 19 pandemic has moved Tuite’s regular center court or mid-ice seat to more of a typical spectator’s view. While his mezzanine seat is not quite as high as his customary skybox perch at Rentschler Field for football games, it has required some adjustments in delivering information to the limited crowds now in attendance.
UConn 360 spoke with Tuite about how things have changed.
A New Seat for PA Voice of the Huskies
John Tuite's booming voice is inseparable from UConn Huskies games, but this season has been a different story.

The pandemic has turned things upside down, but Huskies PA announcer John Tuite is still a fixture of gameday at UConn (courtesy of John Tuite).