The School of Pharmacy has named William Baker, Pharm.D. Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, recipient of the 2022 Dean Robert L. McCarthy Faculty Service Award. This is an annual award presented to a full-time faculty member who has provided outstanding service to their department, school, the university, the profession of pharmacy, and the public.
Baker’s research interests include improving outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease and systematic review and meta-analytic techniques.

“I am honored and humbled to have been chosen the recipient of the 2022 Robert L. McCarthy Faculty Service Award. This recognition along with being named as one of the 2022 Teachers of the Year represent two passions of mine, namely the education of our future generation of pharmacists as well as representing UConn at the national level within various medical organizations.” Baker commented. “To be chosen by the graduating class while at the same time receiving an award named after the first Dean of UConn School of Pharmacy that guided me early in my career is overwhelming and truly a blessing.”
Charles White, Pharm.D., Department Head & Distinguished Professor of Pharmacy Practice, commented on Baker’s achievement with this award. “I am heartened that Dr Baker was selected for this award because he has provided strong service to the School of Pharmacy through committees such as the admissions committee, and as a teaching and research mentor for junior faculty. In addition, he has provided an amazing level of service to the American College of Clinical Pharmacy at many levels of their organization including their research foundation, numerous committees, national meeting session planning, and the cardiology practice and research network. He is always willing to help a colleague in need within the School of Pharmacy and in the Profession of Pharmacy.”