Women don’t have to suffer in silence. Urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse are common in women who’ve had children or are older than 45, and they are also highly treatable. As Dr. Jonathan Shepherd, a urogynecologist in UConn Health’s Women’s Center, tells us, they’re not something women have to tolerate as just “part of getting older.”
UConn Health Minute: Treating Prolapse and Incontinence
Women don't have to suffer in silence. Urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse are common in women who've had children or are older than 45, and they are also highly treatable.

Dr. Jonathan Shepherd, urogynecologist, discussing a case with nurse practitioner Lauren Brennan in the Urology Clinic at UConn Health. (Ethan Giorgetti/UConn Health)