The Gerontological Society of America has just named its newest elected officers including Laura Haynes, Ph.D., from UConn School of Medicine and the UConn Center on Aging.
Haynes has been elected as a new Board Member and will begin her role at the start of 2023.
As an immunologist and gerontologist at UConn Health, Haynes leads major research funded by the National Institute on Aging seeking to better understand how aging influences the response to viral infections such as influenza with the goal of improving the overall health of older adults.

The Gerontological Society of America is the nation’s largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to the field of aging. The principal mission of the Society is to advance the study of aging and disseminate information among scientists, decision makers, and the general public.
Haynes was elected by the Society’s membership, which consists of more than 5,500 researchers, educators, and practitioners who specialize in all aspect of gerontology including biological sciences, behavioral and social sciences, as well as social and policy research. As a GSA officer, she will be responsible for matters of leadership and strategic planning.
“The mission of GSA is to cultivate excellence in interdisciplinary aging research and education to advance innovations in practice and policy. This is an incredible opportunity to influence the overall direction and integration of the work done by GSA members,” said Haynes, professor in the UConn School of Medicine’s Department of Immunology and the UConn Center on Aging.
“This important election speaks volumes as to the high regard in which Dr. Haynes is held by her colleagues across the country, and among different disciplines contributing to aging research, education, and clinical care,” said Dr. George Kuchel, director of the UConn Center on Aging.