On September 22 the Connecticut Pharmacists Association (CPA) held its 146th annual Awards Banquet. Students, faculty and alums from the UConn School of Pharmacy were honored during the ceremony with a wide array of recognitions, awards, and scholarships.
Marissa Salvo, Pharm.D., completed her role as president of the CPA at the event. Salvo is an associate clinical professor of pharmacy practice and has a clinical outpatient practice site in internal medicine at UConn Health in Farmington, Conn. Salvo has been a member of the CPA Board of Directors since 2014 and was recognized as a Fellow of the CPA in its inaugural class in 2019. She was given a commemorative plaque to honor her role as president for the 2021-2022 session, as President-Elect Lydia Tran, Pharm.D., BCPS, was inaugurated.

Sean M. Jeffery, Pharm.D., BCGP, FASCP, AGSF was awarded the prestigious 2022 Bowl of Hygeia Award. Dean Philip Hritcko presented Jeffery with the award and commented on his exemplary qualifications. “Jeffery has been extremely innovative throughout his professional career, and he has actively worked to move our profession forward through his leadership and service on various committees and boards in our state,” said Hritcko. “As a faculty member Jeffery has been recognized by our faculty, staff, and students for his outstanding teaching and service. For instance, he has received the prestigious teacher of the year and preceptor of the year awards several times.”
Hritcko went on to note that “2022 marked a particularly special year for the impact Jeffery has made on the practice of pharmacy in Connecticut. This year he spearheaded changes to the state of Connecticut collaborative drug therapy management policy for pharmacists (S.B. 186), which passed during the 2022 legislative session. This legislation will expand pharmacist practice opportunities in Connecticut while mitigating the administrative burden on pharmacists in our state.”
Additional School of Pharmacy faculty awards:
Stefanie Nigro, Pharm.D. and Associate Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice at UConn was recognized as an Elected Board Member At-Large.
Jennifer Girotto, PharmD, BCPPS, BCIDP and Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice was inducted as a 2022 Fellow of the Connecticut Pharmacists Association (FCPA).
School of Pharmacy student awards:
Mariam Zedan Pharm.D. candidate ’24 was awarded the Henry A. Palmer Scholarship.
Isabella Tardy Pharm.D. candidate ’24 was awarded the Margherita Giuliano Scholarship.
Jessica Dillon Pharm.D. candidate ’24 was awarded the Gerard H. Weitzman Scholarship.

School of Pharmacy alumni recognitions:
2022-2023 CPA Board of Directors:
President-Elect: Julian Koruni, PharmD ’07, ‘09
1st Vice President: Eric Halpern, PharmD ’07, ‘09
Treasurer: Adam Krakowiak, PharmD ’15, ’17
Elected Board Members At-Large
Nicholas LaRiviere, PharmD, BCGP ’02, ‘04
Christina Polomoff, PharmD, BCACP, BCGP ’12, ‘14
Michael Vessicchio, PharmD ’18, ‘20
2022 Award Recipients:
Upsher-Smith Excellence in Innovation Award: Richard Kiley, PharmD ’08, ‘10
Professional Pharmacy Performance Award: Crystal Garosshen, PharmD ’05, ‘07
2022 Fellows of the Connecticut Pharmacists Association (FCPA):
Lisa Bragaw, PharmD ’90
Al Domeika, RPh. ‘96
Karen Hoang, PharmD, BCNP ’02, ’04