New Fuel Cell Gets New Look, Thanks to Student Design

The student design competition has helped spread awareness about the newly installed fuel cell at the Depot Campus

The new 460kW fuel cell, recently installed at the Depot Campus in Storrs, was manufactured by HyAxiom, a Doosan company from South Windsor, replacing a 400kW fuel cell. The new fuel cell has a thermal recovery of 1.7 million BTU/hour of useable heat while producing the 460kW of electricity for UConn’s research labs, including those working on advancing fuel cell and microgrid technology at UConn’s Center for Clean Energy Engineering.

UConn’s Clean Energy Society, led by Liam Enea ’24 (CAHNR), facilitated the contest to design a “wrap” for the new fuel cell, which was unveiled in a ceremony at the Depot Campus on Monday, Oct. 31.

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