UConn Health Labor and Delivery Nurse Lauren Piro, 35, of West Hartford is the epitome of gratitude.
It’s been 9 years and she still loves her job at UConn Health and the people she works with, even while working on weekends, as a Labor and Delivery staff nurse at UConn John Dempsey Hospital.
“It’s really special at UConn Health,” Piro says. “I love coming to work. I work with the best group of nurses. We are like a family here at UConn Health.”
She says no matter when she walks into work and gets to see who she gets to work with on any given day she always gets excited.
“I know we are going to work together, work hard, get through the workday and also have fun!”
She adds: “I wouldn’t be where I am as a nurse today if it wasn’t for everyone here in my unit.”
Piro is also the proud mom to four-year-old twins who were born right at her special workplace, UConn John Dempsey Hospital.

Mom Elizabeth Chandy (UConn Health Photo by Tina Encarnacion).
“Every day at UConn Health is never the same!” she exclaims. In her L & D staff nurse role she cares for maternity patients and also their newborns too.
“As an L & D nurse we care for laboring mothers, we do OR care, the nursery to care for babies, or triage care for anyone who is pregnant with an issue needing management,” she shares.
“And sometimes I get to be the charge nurse of the unit. It’s a lot of problem solving, and putting out fires, but I enjoy it.”
But what she’s most grateful for at UConn Health is that you can always be your genuine self at work.
“I like that we all can just be ourselves here. Also, as a result everyone has a good sense of humor.”
Also, Piro appreciates that everyone she works with goes out of their way to help one another which is always critical in a patient care emergency situation.
“If there is ever an emergency, everyone seamlessly comes together to help. We are a true team”
Piro also believes patients can feel the UConn Health difference too.
“The patient experience here for Moms-to-be is amazing! There is no other word to describe it. I am so grateful we can give them an amazing experience.”
“The patients feel like they are family too!” she says warmly. “We treat patients like they are members of our own family. It’s different here at UConn Health than other hospitals.”
Also, Piro likes teaching other nurses.
“We have a lot of new nurses joining us, so I also am a preceptor to help train them about their new role and our unit,” she says.
Piro knows the new nurses will all love it at UConn Health too.
“UConn has a very special sense of community that other institutions just don’t have.”
When Piro ponders her own sense of gratitude, she’s reminded to always be thankful for who and what you have in your life.
“In Labor and Delivery, we see people from all walks of life. We are reminded at times that life is not always butterflies and rainbows for everyone or all the time. Our job allows us to walk in other people’s shoes, have a window into their personal lives, and help them. It keeps you thankful for your health, family, and children too.”

Mom Elizabeth Chandy (UConn Health Photo by Tina Encarnacion).
Piro says the best part of her job is always seeing the gratitude expressed by her patients experiencing the birth of their child. And she feels so blessed to be a part of their journey.
“Labor is really cool and such an incredible process,” she says. “It is such an honor to be a part of a birth of a child. When a baby is born, I love seeing how thankful and grateful new or even repeat parents are. We are so proud of the parents. We see them at their most vulnerable and most triumphant moments. No matter your labor experience, it sticks with you forever. It’s always really exciting.”
Plus, there is always a lot of emotion and joy in the birth room according to Piro.
“I love watching the partner as the baby comes out. I always know if they start crying, I will start crying tears of joy too!”
Also, the great support of her manager Lina Godfrey, RN is really important to Piro and her unit co-workers.
“Our manager is truly amazing! She is super supportive,” says Piro. “She is always working side-by-side with us and in the trenches. That kind of manager is hard to find.”
When winter weather is far from sight, and when Piro is not at work happily caring for her patients with colleagues, or at home caring for her twin son and daughter, you can find her outside.
“I love to see sunshine,” she exclaims. “And I love to garden.”
UConn Health has gratitude for the dedicated service of this staff nurse to our institution and for bringing her very own sunshine to work each day to brighten the lives of her patients and fellow employees.
“Lauren is a nurse on our unit who truly embodies gratitude,” says her L & D unit manager Godfrey. “We are so grateful to have her.”