Podcast: Addressing Alcohol Addiction

An international collaboration of addiction researchers led by UConn School of Medicine Professor Emeritus Thomas Babor is out with updated findings on the social, cultural, and environmental factors that influence alcoholism

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An international collaboration of addiction health researchers is out with updated findings on how social, cultural, and environmental factors influence alcoholism and harmful drinking, plus policy recommendations to address them. UConn School of Medicine Professor Emeritus Thomas Babor is a lead author of the third edition of Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity.

If you can understand how alcohol works on the body, just about every organ system is affected, and it provides you a way of learning a great deal about the human condition and about how medicine combined with public health can allow people to achieve the full measure of a healthy life. — Thomas Babor

The book is scheduled to be available for hard copy purchase in the U.S. in late January. An open-access PDF is available for free download now.

Addressing Alcohol Addiction