Mark Terasaki, Ph.D. of UConn Elected a Fellow of The American Society for Cell Biology

In early December Terasaki will be recognized in Boston as a new ASCB fellow at Cell Bio 2023, the joint meeting of ASCB and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).

Mark R. Terasaki, Ph.D

Mark R. Terasaki, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Cell Biology. (Photo provided by Mark Terasaki)

UConn School of Medicine’s Mark R. Terasaki, Ph.D. has been elected a fellow of The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB).

He is one of 19 new fellows elected to ASCB in 2023. Election to the ASCB as a fellow is an honor bestowed upon ASCB members by their peers and approved by the ASCB Council.

Terasaki serves as an associate professor in UConn School of Medicine’s Department of Cell Biology. He graduated with a Ph.D. in Biophysics from the University of California Berkeley in 1981. After postdoctoral work at Harvard Medical School and NIH, he started his own lab in 1995 in the Department of Cell Biology at UConn Health.

In his career, he has used advanced methods in microscopy to understand biological organization. For many years, he used confocal microscopy to study membrane dynamics, in particular that of the endoplasmic reticulum which has an important role in calcium regulation and cell physiology.

Many of his studies involved oocytes during maturation, fertilization and development. Since 2013, he has been using serial section electron microscopy to investigate endoplasmic reticulum organization in mouse tissues. Recent work is oriented towards organization of cells in tissue structures, for instance the capillary network of the kidney glomerulus.

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