Brian Kupchak ’24, School of Dental Medicine

Brian Kupchak reflects on his time at UConn

Brian Kupchak '24 poses for a photo in the academic wing of the UConn Health complex in Farmington

Brian Kupchak '24 poses for a photo in the academic wing of the UConn Health complex in Farmington on April 1, 2024. (Sydney Herdle/UConn Photo)

For any number of people contemplating a major change in life, Brian Kupchak should serve as an inspiration. An officer in the US Navy and a single dad, he was already an experienced academic researcher and physiologist when he embarked on the path to a degree in dental medicine. The logistics alone of coordinating the rigors of medical school with raising a child would be enough to make most people freeze up with anxiety, but Brian handled them the best way possible: with organization, discipline, and determination. Now, he’s bound for a prestigious residency at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, after which he’ll be deployed to bring his healing skills to the men and women of the Navy – along with a living example of how much you can accomplish with perseverance and passion.


Why did you choose UConn?

The decision to choose UConn was primarily influenced by a combination of personal and practical considerations, each playing a significant role in shaping my educational journey. One of the foremost factors was my son, whose well-being and educational opportunities were paramount in my decision-making process. As a single parent, providing a stable and supportive environment for my son was of utmost importance to me. UConn’s reputation for academic excellence, coupled with its proximity to Naval Submarine Base New London in Groton, offered the perfect blend of quality education and convenience.

What’s your major or field of study, and what drew you to it?

My journey into the field of dentistry was not a predetermined path but rather a culmination of experiences and personal reflections that led me to discover my true passion. Prior to pursuing dentistry, I had established a successful career in physiology, with roles in academia as an assistant clinical professor at the University of Connecticut in Kinesiology, followed by serving as a professor and physiologist for the US Navy. However, despite my accomplishments in this field, I found myself at a crossroads.

Several factors contributed to my decision to explore dentistry as a new career path. Firstly, I had begun to feel a sense of burnout from the rigorous demands of the research process in physiology. The constant pursuit of academic excellence and the pressures of publishing weighed heavily on me, leading me to reassess my professional trajectory. Additionally, I was grappling with personal challenges at the time, which prompted me to seek a fresh start and a more fulfilling vocation.

Moreover, I had always possessed a natural inclination towards working with my hands and deriving satisfaction from directly assisting others with immediate needs. This innate desire to make a tangible impact on people’s lives through hands-on care served as a catalyst for my exploration of alternative career avenues.

However, the pivotal moment that solidified my decision to pursue dentistry came when I had the opportunity to observe a class at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), where military doctors and dentists collaborated seamlessly to deliver comprehensive patient care. Witnessing the synergistic teamwork and dedication to enhancing patient outcomes within a military health care setting resonated deeply with me. It illuminated the potential for dentistry to not only fulfill my passion for hands-on patient care but also to contribute to a collaborative healthcare environment where interdisciplinary collaboration is valued and prioritized.

In hindsight, my transition into dentistry was serendipitous, fueled by a convergence of professional disillusionment, personal introspection, and a newfound appreciation for the profound impact of collaborative health care. It is a decision that I have allowed myself to channel my skills, passion, and dedication towards a career path that aligns with my values and aspirations.

Did you have a favorite professor or class?

During my time at UConn, I had the privilege of experiencing two standout classes that left a lasting impression on me: Fixed Prosthodontics and Oral Pathology. What made these classes truly memorable wasn’t just the coursework itself, although I found the content of Oral Pathology particularly fascinating. It was the passion, dedication, and instructional approach of the professors that truly set these classes apart.

In Oral Pathology, both Dr. Natarajan and Dr. Eisenberg demonstrated an unparalleled enthusiasm for the subject matter, igniting a similar passion within their students. They went beyond simply delivering lectures, actively engaging students in critical thinking and analysis. Their ability to encourage students to delve deeper into the material, to question and articulate their understanding of various diseases, fostered a dynamic and intellectually stimulating learning environment. Through their guidance, I developed not only a comprehensive understanding of oral pathology but also honed my analytical skills and ability to think critically—a valuable asset in both academia and clinical practice.

Similarly, in Fixed Prosthodontics, I encountered challenges in mastering the intricate techniques required to prepare dental crowns. However, under the guidance of the prosthodontic faculty, I found invaluable support and mentorship. One time, despite facing difficulties in my crown preparation of a canine in the class, Dr. Suvarana’s patient guidance and step-by-step instruction helped me navigate through the complexities of this crown preparation, instilling in me the confidence to persevere and excel. Her dedication to nurturing each student’s skills and fostering a supportive learning environment was instrumental in my growth and development as a dental professional.

What was my biggest challenge at UConn?

At UConn, my biggest challenge wasn’t just academic—it was balancing the demands of my studies with being a single parent to my son. As a single dad, there was a constant tug-of-war between dedicating time to my son’s needs and staying on top of my coursework. However, I approached this challenge with determination and resourcefulness, relying heavily on my strong time management and organizational skills to navigate through it.

One of the strategies that proved invaluable was establishing a structured routine for both my son and me. I implemented a system using a whiteboard where we could visually see and plan our time effectively. This included designated slots for our respective homework sessions, ensuring that we both had the necessary focus and environment to excel academically. Additionally, I made sure to carve out quality time for us to bond and engage in recreational activities together.

While juggling parenthood and academics presented its difficulties, I firmly believe that our shared commitment to education and mutual support ultimately strengthened our bond. Through understanding, we were able to navigate the challenges together, emerging stronger and more resilient as a result. This experience not only reinforced the importance of effective time management but also highlighted the profound impact of unwavering dedication to both family and personal goals.

What’s one thing that surprised you about UConn?

One thing that pleasantly surprised me about UConn was the strong sense of camaraderie and support among my fellow classmates. Despite the competitive nature of academia, there was a palpable spirit of collaboration and mutual encouragement that permeated throughout the student body. From study groups to shared resources, my classmates demonstrated a genuine willingness to help one another succeed.

What truly stood out was the extent to which my peers served as not only classmates but also as cheerleaders for each other’s accomplishments. Whether it was celebrating academic or clinical achievements, offering assistance during challenging coursework, or providing emotional support during stressful times, there was a collective understanding that we were all in this together.

This culture of camaraderie fostered an inclusive and supportive learning environment where collaboration thrived, and individual success was celebrated as a collective triumph. It was heartening to witness the genuine bonds formed among classmates.

What are your plans after graduation/receiving your degree?

After graduation and receiving my degree, my immediate plan is to return to active duty in the U.S. Navy, where I’ll be embarking on an exciting new chapter of my career. I’ve been accepted into a highly esteemed 1-year General Practice Residency (GPR) program at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. This residency presents an invaluable opportunity for me to further enhance my skills and expertise in dentistry while serving our nation’s military personnel and their families.

Following the completion of my residency, I’m looking forward to deploying with the fleet, where I’ll have the privilege of applying the knowledge and experience gained during my training to provide crucial dental care in various operational settings. Serving on deployment not only allows me to contribute directly to the mission readiness of our armed forces but also enables me to support the health and well-being of service members stationed around the world.

Any advice for incoming students?

As a non-traditional student, I’ve learned firsthand the importance of perseverance and determination in achieving one’s goals, regardless of age or circumstances. My advice to fellow adults embarking on their educational journey is simple: don’t give up on your dreams or passions. Even if you have children and other responsibilities, if you possess the will and drive, you can pursue your aspirations.

Moreover, going back to school as an adult not only benefits you but also sets a powerful example for your children. They can witness firsthand the challenges and triumphs that come with education. By observing your commitment to learning, they learn invaluable lessons about resilience, perseverance, and the importance of overcoming obstacles.

I vividly remember the struggles my own child faced while learning to read. I reassured him that it’s okay to encounter difficulties and feel frustrated, but what truly matters is the determination to keep pushing forward. I emphasized that with persistence and effort, he could overcome any obstacle and achieve success. These experiences teach our children that setbacks are a natural part of the learning process, but with dedication and perseverance, they can turn challenges into opportunities for growth and accomplishment.