April 8 was an exciting day for UConn. The men’s basketball team became back-to-back NCAA champions, a total eclipse brought many Huskies to Horsebarn Hill for a glimpse of a rare celestial event, and the first-ever World Health Day Fair was held in Storrs, bringing students, faculty, and alumni together on Fairfield Way for an activity-filled afternoon to learn about health care programs at UConn and potential career paths.
“There are different concentrations in allied health sciences and many program options in other majors in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR) and throughout UConn,” says Ahnecia Edouard-Gary ‘24 (CAHNR), one of event’s organizers. “The fair was a way for people to gain a deeper understanding of the variety of health care roles that exist and how they work to improve health and quality of life. It provided an opportunity for everyone to learn, discuss, and even try their own hand at parts of the job workers do in different health care settings.”

The event featured representatives from undergraduate and professional programs in CAHNR departments Allied Health Sciences and Kinesiology, as well as the Department of Physiology and Neurobiology, housed in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The event also served to commemorate the 10th anniversary of “Health” being added to the CAHNR’s name in 2014.

Visitors to the World Health Day Fair were greeted with several activities, including CPR and basic life-saving demonstrations, a pipetting challenge, games of knowledge regarding food, nutrition, and exercise, microscopes prepped with slides of various diseases, and an opportunity to win a free t-shirt specially made for the event or a Nautical Bowl, a restaurant in downtown Storrs that makes plant-based, gluten, soy, and dairy free meals.

World Health Day began as an annual celebration on April 7, 1948 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to draw attention to important global health topics.
A collaboration between CAHNR and the Student Union Board of Governors (SUBOG), the World Health Day Fair was held on Monday, April 8 to maximize participation.
Edouard-Gary, an AHS major and the vice chair of marketing and operation in SUBOG, first proposed the idea to administrative staff in the department, who helped her organize and make the event a reality.
Gary ‘24 (CAHNR), Jill Skowrenski, Sarah Baio ’26 (CAHNR), and Jess Harris ‘25 (CAHNR) [not pictured]. (Jason Sheldon/UConn Photo)
Jill Skowrenski, program specialist in AHS, and Sarah Baio ‘26 (CAHNR), an AHS major also lent their logistical and organizational support for the event.
“The World Health Day Fair was a great success,” says Edouard-Gary. “It provided people an opportunity to ask questions and learn about opportunities in the health care field from students, faculty, and alumni, as well as inspire actionable steps towards a healthier world.”
This work relates to CAHNR’s Strategic Vision area focused on Enhancing Health and Well-Being Locally, Nationally, and Globally.
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