While living in Connecticut on a work visa from Germany, Steffan Goelitzer started experiencing unusual symptoms affecting his memory and balance. Steffan came to UConn Health where they found a brain tumor and diagnosed him with a rare form of lymphoma. Steffan could have gone back to Germany for treatment but he and his wife Simone were impressed with the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at UConn John Demsey Hospital and chose to stay here for his care. Months later after chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant, Steffan is in remission and extremely grateful for the care he received. As the couple prepares to head back to Germany, they say they will always consider UConn Health their second home.
Bone Marrow Transplant Team Provides Lifesaving Care for German Patient with Rare Brain Cancer
As the couple prepares to head back to Germany, they say they will always consider UConn Health their second home
As the couple prepares to head back to Germany, they say they will always consider UConn Health their second home ()