Med Student Finishes Cross-country Bike Tour Solo

Four started, one finished. Rising second-year medical student Emily Wilkins is home after bicycling coast-to-coast to raise money for The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. Wilkins pedaled nearly 3,500 miles this summer, capping the 11th cross-country bike tour that has become a UConn School of Medicine tradition. What was different this year, in addition […]

Emily Wilkins hoists her bicycle in the air in triumph after making it to the Atlantic shore to complete her cross-country bike tour. (Photo from

Four started, one finished.

Rising second-year medical student Emily Wilkins is home after bicycling coast-to-coast to raise money for The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp.

Wilkins pedaled nearly 3,500 miles this summer, capping the 11th cross-country bike tour that has become a UConn School of Medicine tradition. What was different this year, in addition to the name and benefiting charitable organization, was that she completed a majority of the ride without the classmates who started it with her.

Along the way, Dan Prior, Abbie Doelger and Gerard Kerins had to drop out because of injury.

A cheering group of friends greeted Wilkins as she arrived at UConn Health Friday. Sunday three friends joined her for the final leg of the trip, from UConn Health to the Surf Club in Madison. There she dipped her tires in the Atlantic, officially completing the ride that had started on the Pacific shore in Seattle more than seven weeks earlier.

At that point, the 2016 Coast to Coast for a Cause had raised more than $12,000 for the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, located in Ashford, which provides a free camping experience for children dealing with medical hardships.

Positive Tracks, an organization that provides grants to encourage youth and young adults to use physical activity to do good, is matching all donations, which are still being accepted.

A daily recap of the ride is available on the 2016 Coast to Coast for a Cause blog.