Faculty News

With NSF funding, the UnderWater Sensor Network Lab is developing a network in the Arctic, with colleagues from the University of Delaware who are interested in sea ice changes and ocean acoustics.

faculty lownes

Nicholas Lownes, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, participated by invitation of the British Embassy on a “Future Cities” panel for visiting transportation delegates from the UK on Feb. 6 in New York City.

faculty cetegen

Baki Cetegen, professor and head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, was elected a Councilor to the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE). He will serve a five-year term, beginning July 1, 2014.

faculty Marten van Dijk

A paper co-authored by Marten van Dijk, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, “AEGIS: Architecture for Tamper-evident and Tamper-resistant Processing,” was one of 100 most-cited papers from among 1,800 published in the ICS Proceedings between 1987 and 2011, and was chosen for inclusion in the volume “25 Years of International Conference on Supercomputing.”

With NSF funding, the UnderWater Sensor Network Lab is developing a network in the Arctic, with colleagues from the University of Delaware who are interested in sea ice changes and ocean acoustics.

Read the full story here.