WAMC Radio, a National Public Radio station out of Albany, produces daily Academic Minute spots in which professors speak for 90 seconds about their field of research and why it excites them. To date, several UConn faculty have been featured on WAMC, and their talks will run weekly on UConn Today. The first is by UConn professor Nicholas Leadbeater of the Department of Chemistry in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
To listen to Leadbeater speaking about his specialty, green chemistry, click here
The Academic Minute, hosted by philosopher and medical ethicist Lynn Pasquerella, the president of Mount Holyoke College, airs on WAMC Northeast Public Radio at 7:37 a.m. and 3:56 p.m. weekdays.
Thanks to WAMC for the station’s permission to post these spots.
Other Academic Minutes:
Heat-loving Microbes Turn Waste into Energy
Microwave Ovens a Boon in the Lab