Friday Event Visit Senior Design Demos!

Visitors are invited to view the senior design project demonstrations and presentations of graduating engineering seniors on Friday, May 2. The demos – which will take place in the Student Union Ballroom and in engineering buildings across campus – represent the culmination of the students’ undergraduate educational experience. Each year, senior engineering students engage in […]

Visitors are invited to view the senior design project demonstrations and presentations of graduating engineering seniors on Friday, May 2. The demos – which will take place in the Student Union Ballroom and in engineering buildings across campus – represent the culmination of the students’ undergraduate educational experience.

Each year, senior engineering students engage in one or two-semester capstone design courses. These provide hands-on learning opportunities and expose them to the challenges and satisfactions of solving real-world dilemmas, from the problem definition stage to prototype development.

In the case of sponsored projects, teams work closely with the sponsoring company, which provides financial support, advising and the design challenge. In exchange, students research the problem, conceive alternate solutions, design and refine one device or method, construct a working prototype, and provide the sponsoring company regular reports as well as a working prototype. Throughout the process, students apply the core concepts they learned in the classroom to an actual design project.

The demos are open for public viewing. Please review the attached fliers for details.

Schedule, by time of day:

Biomedical Engineering 10-11 a.m.
Bronwell Bldg. 213
Contact: John Enderle,; (860) 486-5521
Program (PDF)

Materials Science & Engineering 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Institute of Materials Science Room 159
Contact: Hal Brody,; (860) 486-0853
Program (Word)

Computer Science & Engineering 1-4 p.m.
Information Technologies Engineering (ITE) Bldg., Room 201
Contact: Steve Demurjian,; (860) 486-4818
Projects: computer control of digital trains using RFID and other sensors; bus tracking and management system that uses GPS; and a 3-dimensional massively multi-player online role playing game.

Mechanical Engineering 1-4 p.m.
Student Union Ballroom
Contact: Tom Barber,; (860) 486-5342
Program (PDF)

Management & Engineering for Manufacturing
Poster presentations 12-1 p.m.; Oral presentations 1-4 p.m.
School of Business Bldg., Room 202 (posters), Room 203 (orals)
Contact: Zbigniew Bzymek,, (860) 486-2275
Program (Word)

Electrical & Computer Engineering 2-3:20 p.m.
Information Technologies Engineering (ITE) Bldg., Rooms C19 and C43
Contact: Rajeev Bansal,; (860) 486-2878
Program (PDF)