Cindy Weiss, CLAS Today

Author Archive

Physics Professor to Head Major Study of Ultracold Molecules

UConn's Susanne Yelin is the principal investigator on a multi-university project that has implications for quantum computing and the development of new materials.

Gender Schemas Affect Women in Science, Says Expert

Gender equity expert Virginia Valian discusses women's advancement in the STEM disciplines.

Grad Student Finding Clues to Early History in Submerged Sites

A Ph.D. student studying submerged remains off the coasts of Denmark and Connecticut says underwater archaeology is a field that’s rich in research potential.

One Doctorate Earned, One to Go

Jennifer McCullagh earned her Ph.D. in May, but is now working toward another doctorate.

Two Chemistry Professors Win CAREER Awards

Nicholas Leadbeater’s work in microwave chemistry and José Gascón’s research on the electronic structure of a protein have attracted National Science Foundation grants to promote the work of promising junior faculty.

Graduate Student Wins Fellowship for Orchid Study

The Switzer award will enable Kathryn Theiss to continue her studies of endangered orchids.

U.S. Ranks Low in Benefits Comparison

Professor Lyle Scruggs has done a survey of social insurance programs in developed countries.

Graduate Student Presents Alzheimer’s Research at International Conference

A new study shows that Americans know little about the risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease.

Three Science Students Win Goldwater Scholarships

Three students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have won prestigious Goldwater Scholarships to further their studies toward doctorates in the sciences.

Mathematician Receives Award to Fund Collaborative Research

Maria Gordina, associate professor of mathematics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, will spend a semester in residence at Cornell University as the winner of the Ruth I. Michler Memorial Prize awarded by Cornell and the Association for Women in Mathematics.