Elaina Hancock
Author Archive
Keep Your Eyes to the Night Sky to Catch the Blood Moon on November 19
The event will be the longest partial lunar eclipse visible from Connecticut this century
November 18, 2021 | Elaina Hancock
CIRCA Awarded $5 million in New Funding to Strengthen CT’s Climate Change Resilience
CIRCA is creating a 'project pipeline' to move resilience planning and adaptation forward
November 16, 2021 | Elaina Hancock
Marine National Monument Offshore from Connecticut is Protected Once Again
'Not only is it a place where the science community can study what the ocean should look like in the absence of effects like fishing and mining, it's a place for the American public'
November 3, 2021 | Elaina Hancock
Boarding Pass: Deciphering the Travel Habits of ‘Mite-y’ Nectar Robbers
How human transportation habits help explain the behavior of tiny critters
November 1, 2021 | Elaina Hancock
Biden Visit Emphasizes Intersection of Human Rights Scholarship, Activism, and Policy Making
The President of the United States visited Storrs for the dedication of The Dodd Center for Human Rights
October 15, 2021 | Elaina Hancock
Working to Understand the Changing Flavors of Quarks
Up, charm, down, bottom, top, and strange - what does it all mean?
October 11, 2021 | Elaina Hancock
Understanding How a Crab’s Complex Life Cycle Will Respond to Climate Change
Research with implications for species under stress from a warming planet
October 8, 2021 | Elaina Hancock
A Physics Ph.D. Student’s Step-By-Step Journey to Storrs and Distant Galaxies
Seeing far in the distance, even without a telescope
October 7, 2021 | Elaina Hancock
UConn Authors Exploring Just Sustainabilities
Linking social and environmental justice
October 6, 2021 | Elaina Hancock
Get Your Daily Dose of the Great Outdoors with NatureRx at UConn
A resource aimed at getting people outside and exploring the abundance of nature on our doorstep
September 16, 2021 | Elaina Hancock