Elaina Hancock
Author Archive
Bringing the Heat to Field Research
The ability to 'MacGyver' equipment in the field has led UConn researchers to an important tool for studying global warming.
April 29, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
Don’t Expect a Summer Reprieve From COVID-19
New preliminary research suggests warm weather may not cause as much of a drop in the spread of the novel coronavirus as some are expecting.
April 23, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
What’s Ahead for Connecticut’s Climate
A new report lays out the science projecting Connecticut's hotter, more uncertain future as the climate changes.
April 22, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
Got Seasonal Allergies? Beetles Could Help
An invasive plant at the root of much seasonal allergy misery could be controlled by another recent arrival: the leaf beetle.
April 21, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
Mismanagment, Not Tampering, at Root of Supply Problems for Ugandan Farmers
Two UConn researchers have discovered that mismanagement, rather than tampering, is to blame for problems in the Ugandan food supply chain.
April 17, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
UConn Students Watching and Learning from the Pandemic
A class focused on infectious diseases has gained a new gravity as the coronavirus pandemic unfolds.
April 8, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
A Roadmap to Transform Protist Research
An international group of scientists from over 40 research groups, including UConn marine science professor Senjie Lin’s team, collaborated to create the tools necessary for studying the genetic details of a broad range of microscopic marine creatures called protists.
April 6, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
The Numbers on Connecticut’s Newest Crop: Hemp
A new report provides the first overall look at the financial realities of Connecticut's newly legal hemp farming industry.
April 2, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
Evidence Synthesis: Better, Stronger, Faster
An international team of researchers have ideas about how to synthesize mass amounts of data.
March 27, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
UConn Joins National Teaching Effort to ‘Solve Climate By 2030’
UConn will participate in a nationwide online education effort April 7 to help teachers design classes around climate issues.
March 25, 2020 | Elaina Hancock