Elaina Hancock
Author Archive
One UConn Grad’s Sustainability Legacy
A childhood love of nature blooms into a student career dedicated to sustainability
April 24, 2023 | Elaina Hancock
UConn Magazine: So Hot
The work the Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation at UConn Avery Point is doing today promises to make our city summers less oppressive tomorrow
April 14, 2023 | Elaina Hancock
Learning About What Happens to Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity in Times of Mass Extinction
'These are times of major changes in the environment, and how those changes impact the organisms is relevant to understanding our current environment and environmental changes'
April 13, 2023 | Elaina Hancock
An Archaeological Re-discovery Offers Clues About Distant Human Past
A UConn researcher has been scouring the archives to dig up new details about lost fossils that are vital for understanding human history
March 28, 2023 | Elaina Hancock
Tiny but Mighty: Microgreens Could Play an Important Role in Feeding a Sustainable Future
'With the same amount of food, we can provide higher nutritional quality with microgreens'
March 24, 2023 | Elaina Hancock
When Constructing Conservation Networks, It’s Best to Have a Plan
'You want to try to figure out what kind of habitat types we have and then collect at least one of everything'
March 10, 2023 | Elaina Hancock
Clues about the Northeast’s Past and Future Climate from Plant Fossils
The warmer, wetter, and homogeneous climate of the past may soon return for the eastern seaboard
February 28, 2023 | Elaina Hancock
UConn Grad Appointed Head of NOAA’s Ecosystems and Aquaculture Division
From Avery Point to a senior leadership role in the crucially important federal agency
February 27, 2023 | Elaina Hancock
An Emerging Agricultural Practice Offers New Promise for a Climate-Smart Future
'We can achieve the goal of climate-smart agriculture, and in the case of biochar, Connecticut is an ideal place for exploring and applying this approach'
February 20, 2023 | Elaina Hancock
Mercury Helps to Detail Earth’s Most Massive Extinction Event
'It wasn't just one very bad day on Earth. The situation is much more complicated than people realized'
January 26, 2023 | Elaina Hancock