Jeremy Teitelbaum

Author Archive

A Step Closer to Science Fiction?

Watson’s recent Jeopardy win prompts speculation about the future of intelligent machines.

Academic Freedom Meets Freedom of Information

The CLAS dean weighs in on the debate about public access to faculty e-mail.

Ambition and Intrigue in the Court of Henry VIII

The CLAS dean is captivated by the character of Cromwell in a Booker Prize-winning historical novel.

A Civil Conversation on Contentious Issues

A panel on the Middle East illustrates how a research university can illuminate current events.

Academically Anchored

The CLAS dean suggests that setting a true course requires re-balancing priorities.

Meditations on A(nother) Snow Day

In boreal mood, the dean of CLAS suggests ways to cope with cabin fever on the next snow day.

Coming to Grips with Climate Change

An effective education must prepare students to tackle the unfamiliar and difficult, says CLAS dean.

Ideas – The Psychological Currency of the University

In a tough economy, the ongoing flow of ideas helps avoid psychological deflation, says CLAS dean.

‘Just Hire the Best’?

Social psychology challenges our presumed ability to make fair judgments, the CLAS dean learns.

Will ‘Crowdsourcing’ Revolutionize Scholarship?

The CLAS dean says the new scale of Internet collaboration could change the future of scholarship.