
Author Archive

Carl D’Oleo-Lundgren

Was there a defining moment during your UConn career? A major turning point was during the spring of 2012, when former UConn President Austin helped me achieve my dreams. I had been admitted to an intensive summer Arabic language institute, but couldn’t pay for it. A special scholarship from President Austin made the experience possible. […]

Justis Lopez

Was there a defining moment during your UConn career? Being elected as the Homecoming King will be a moment I will always remember throughout my UConn career. Homecoming is my favorite part of the school year, full of fun and festivities. Being able to serve as the ambassador for my favorite season of the school […]

Jamille Rancourt

Was there a defining moment during your UConn career? A defining moment is hard to choose. But if I must say, becoming the President of SUBOG, the campus programming board, has been the most defining experience that I’ve had. But it also could be getting breakfast for dinner at Whitney every night of my junior […]

David Mahoney

Was there a defining moment during your UConn career?  Definitely winning the Big East baseball championship last May. It was especially remarkable considering we were the #8 seed in the tournament. A Big East championship was our goal the moment we stepped on campus in August. Knowing the amount of work we put in and […]

Andrew Brown

Was there a defining moment during your UConn career? Freshman year I got a job in the plant science department working in Cooperative Extension. I was looking for a place to live, and I moved into UConn’s Spring Valley Student Farm. That summer, I got a great introduction to academia, applied science, education, and field […]

Bing Zheng

Was there a defining moment during your UConn career? Most of my defining moments occurred during my nursing clinical. Seeing my patients trapped by their illness made me determined not to take the blessings in my life for granted. My patients taught me that I can be a confident nurse. How has being at UConn […]

Edwine Paul

Was there a defining moment during your UConn career? A defining moment in my UConn career was having the opportunity to study abroad in fall 2012. Being in London, England changed my perspective on life, the way I see others, and the way I see myself. I have a new-found appreciation for diversity and being […]

Morgan Konney

Was there a defining moment during your UConn career? I had a rough year last year due to my transition to the Storrs campus and family issues, which led me to academic probation. I was given an advisor to help mentor me, and she helped me realize that I shouldn’t let other people and problems […]

Kyoko Thompson

Was there a defining moment during your UConn career? My defining moment involved planning and leading a trip to Guatemala, where I and other UConn students worked in clinics in the region surrounding Antigua. I was able to not only assist an underserved community in a developing country, but also inspire a new generation of […]