Kenneth Best
Ken Best served as editor of UCONN Magazine for 10 years. He is a co-host of the UConn 360 Podcast. He previously covered news and sports in Connecticut for The New York Times, edited the Weekend section for the Stamford Advocate and Greenwich Time, wrote arts and culture stories syndicated by the Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service and was the media coordinator for Yale-New Haven Hospital. During the summer of 2015 he hosted “Walking a Blues Road,” a weekly program on WHUS in Storrs based on the holdings of the Samuel and Ann Charters Archives of Blues and Vernacular African-American Musical Culture at UConn’s Thomas J. Dodd Research Center. He is the author of Eight Days a Week: An Illustrated Record of Rock ‘n’ Roll (Pomegranate Books).
Author Archive
A New Seat for PA Voice of the Huskies
John Tuite's booming voice is inseparable from UConn Huskies games, but this season has been a different story.
February 10, 2021 | Kenneth Best
Benton ‘Anthropocene’ Exhibit Highlights Human Impact on Environment
Exploring humans' effect on the planet through centuries of art.
February 5, 2021 | Kenneth Best
Phubbing: Does Having a Phone Out Make Someone Feel Snubbed?
What does our constant use of cell phones mean for interpersonal relationships?
January 29, 2021 | Kenneth Best
Art, Music Faculty Collaboration Illuminates ‘Paradox in Political Tribalism’
Following a divisive election, a multimedia collaboration asks searching questions about values and principles.
January 22, 2021 | Kenneth Best
Ballard Forum Highlights Links Between Puppetry and Engineering
The director of the Ballard Institute & Museum of Puppetry has been finding ways to explore the surprising connections between puppetry and engineering.
January 13, 2021 | Kenneth Best
New Recording with U.S. Coast Guard Band Returns Fuchs to Musical Roots
Two great forces in Connecticut music meet on a new recording of compositions by UConn's Kenneth Fuchs performed by the U.S. Coast Guard Band.
December 11, 2020 | Kenneth Best
“You Figure It Out”: Geno’s Huskies Ready for Season, Despite COVID Challenges
Expectations are high for the UConn women's basketball team, which on Saturday will begin its first season as a Big East team since 2012-2013.
December 11, 2020 | Kenneth Best
Hurley: We’re on a Mission to Play in March
Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19, men's basketball coach Dan Hurley says his team is focused on success.
December 9, 2020 | Kenneth Best
Tony Winner Kelli O’Hara Returns to Jorgensen for Digital Stage Concert
The Jorgensen Digital Stage season continues with a Dec. 5 visit from the singer and actress Kelli O'Hara.
December 3, 2020 | Kenneth Best
UConn Magazine: Just Folk
Lara Herscovitch ’95 MSW spent nearly two decades leading a dual life. Weekdays, she was a social worker. At night or on weekends she would head to a recording studio, an open mic night, or a scheduled performance.
November 27, 2020 | Kenneth Best