Melissa Ferrigno

Author Archive

The creators of LambdaVision with two undergraduate student interns who helped represent the company during the CCEI fellowship and again at the Wolff competition. From left, Dr. Jordan Greco '10 (CLAS), '15 Ph.D., Molly Zgoda '17 (CLAS), Audrey Gallo '17 (CLAS), and Dr. Nicole Wagner '07 (CLAS), '13 Ph.D. (Nathan Oldham/UConn photo)

A First-Place Tie in Wolff New Venture Competition

Revamped Wolff New Venture Competition Surprises Audience with Two Medical-Device Champs The late Thomas John Wolff ’56 was an entrepreneur, and UConn School of Business alumnus, who ran five businesses simultaneously. He exemplified values like enthusiasm, mentorship and appreciation. If he were here to witness the revised Wolff New Venture Competition on Sept. 29, his […]

A Little White Lie – or Worse?

UConn Researcher Discovers that Retail Execs Downplay, Mislead Outlook in Reports to Stockholders Many CEOs from major U.S. retailers tend to soften, possibly even distort, their company’s financial standings and offer stakeholders pessimistic predictions about the future, even when their companies are thriving. That’s the conclusion of a new study, co-authored by UConn finance professor […]

Executive Breakfast | Building a Culture of Compliance | Nov. 15, 2016

Building a Culture of Corporate Compliance

Corporate compliance is one of the hot-topic issues in business today, and it will be the the subject of a Nov. 15 Executive Education breakfast program, “Building a Culture of Compliance,” offered by the University of Connecticut School of Business at its Stamford Campus. Guest presenter will be UConn Business Law Professor Robert Bird, who […]

Cletus Coughlin, senior vice president and policy adviser to the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)

U.S. Economist Shares Knowledge With Grad Students

The U.S. Economy: What’s Normal? Economist Cletus C. Coughlin, senior vice president and policy adviser to the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, was a guest lecturer in the School of Business’ graduate program on Sept. 27. Coughlin presented his knowledge on “The U.S. Economy: What’s Normal?” in Professor Jeffrey Cohen’s “FNCE […]

Kathryn Friedrich, Head of Global Monetization, YouTube speaks at UConn's Xcite conference. (Nathan Oldham/UConn photo)

‘You are an Entrepreneur!’

UConn’s New Xcite Conference Draws 200+ Women; Strives to Increase Connecticut’s Women Business Leaders It was a simple assignment that YouTube executive Kathryn Friedrich gave to the audience of 200 business women: take a minute and think of an entrepreneur. “If you’re not thinking of yourself, think again, because you are an entrepreneur,” she said. […]

Current accounting students working with Associate Professor Todd Kravet (Nathan Oldham/UConn photo)

The Search Is On!

UConn Invited to Participate in Accounting Scholar Hunt The Accounting Ph.D. program at UConn has again been selected to participate in the prestigious Accounting Doctoral Scholars (ADS) Program, which encourages auditing and tax professionals to pursue careers in academia. Accounting faculty are preparing to interview tax professionals for Fall 2017 Ph.D. admissions. On Nov. 5, […]

UConn Marketing Professor Kevin McEvoy (Nathan Oldham/UConn photo)

Marketing Professor Wins Faculty Recognition Award

UConn marketing professor Kevin McEvoy doesn't mind putting in extra work if it fosters greater success among his students.

Students at a recent Beta Gamma Sigma induction ceremony. (Tina Pierce/UConn photo)

UConn Business Society Receives Highest Honors

The UConn chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, an international honor society that recognizes outstanding academic achievements of collegiate business scholars, has been qualified for Highest Honors for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Sumit Kumar '17 MBA, one of five UConn graduate students who participated in a new summer program called The Verge Consulting Group. (Nathan Oldham/UConn photo)

‘The World Is …Brimming with Opportunities’

Graduate Students Find Fulfillment in Assisting Startups; Business Owners Grateful for Helping Hand

Matt Fleury '07 EMBA, Connecticut Science Center CEO and chairman, Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education. (Nathan Oldham/UConn photo)

A Place Where Science is Always Fun

'You Can See People Enjoy What You've Created' Says Matt Fleury '07 EMBA, CEO of CT Science Center