Ross Lewin

Ross Lewin is Executive Director, Office of Global Programs at the University of Connecticut.

Author Archive

Globe with a mortar board on top.

Going Global: The Next Big Thing

Global economic pressures are shaping the internationalization of higher education both at home and abroad.

U21: A World of Possibilities

Membership in the prestigious global university network U21 has led over the past 18 months to a proliferation of international opportunities for the University.

Universitas 21: Taking Stock (Part 1)

A year and a half ago, the University of Connecticut joined Universitas 21, a global network of 23 world-class research-intensive universities, the purpose of which is “to facilitate collaboration and cooperation between the member universities and to create opportunities for them on a scale that none of them would be able to achieve operating independently […]

Think Big, Go Global

After a series of introductions consistently describing her as extraordinary, President Herbst cautioned in her inauguration speech last Friday against anyone thinking of her as some kind of magician: “It’s pretty much impossible to be original on the big themes. … UConn today is a growing, comprehensive research university, and we want precisely what institutions […]

Global Citizenship and UConn

Last year, the provost-appointed International Executive Council successfully advocated adopting “global citizenship” as one of the guiding principles for UConn’s internationalization efforts. As one of the proponents of this recommendation, I was thrilled with the provost’s decision. I am also cognizant of its pitfalls. Global citizenship, a term that has gained currency in the last […]

No Time for Isolationism

London’s quiet again. The 16,000 police did their job, and the riots have been quashed. The city is no longer burning. The phone calls from anxious parents have stopped. Our 37 students will travel to London to study abroad for the semester in less than two weeks, and we’re sending hundreds more to other destinations […]