Stefanie Dion Jones

Author Archive

Special Education Abroad: Teaching in U.K. Classrooms That Offer ‘Safe Space for Recovery’

Imagine a school where students, ranging in age from 13 to 19 years old, do not regularly show up for class every day. Those who do attend may abruptly walk out in the middle of a lesson. And just outside this school’s entrance is a short, paved path that leads to an on-premises, partner hospital clinic, where most of the school’s adolescent students, facing a wide range of mental health challenges, have been admitted as patients for treatment for anywhere from two weeks to a year. Each fall, it is here — at Northgate School in North London — that several of the Neag School’s aspiring teachers arrive to intern as part of the London Study Abroad Teaching Internship Program.

Branch to Branch: Alum Lynda Mullaly Hunt on the Value of Teaching

Best-selling author, former third-grade teacher, and Neag School alumna Lynda Mullaly Hunt ’88 (ED), ’96 MA authored the following piece on the value of teaching, which was originally published in the September 2016 edition of the National Council of Teachers of English’s peer-reviewed journal, Voices from the Middle.

Why I Teach: ‘Everything Is Possible’

Editor’s Note: Kristin English’ 03 (ED), ’04 MA — an English teacher at Newtown High School in Newtown, Conn., since 2004 and an alumna of the Neag School’s Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s Program — shares her insights on what makes the profession of teaching most meaningful to her.

NSF; National Science Foundation

NSF Awards $3M Grant to Neag School’s Moss, Campbell, and UConn Colleagues

A group of UConn faculty that includes Neag School associate professors David Moss and Todd Campbell has received nearly $3 million in funding from the National Science Foundation’s Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL), a program that seeks to enhance learning in informal environments as well as to broaden access to and engagement in STEM learning opportunities.

IES grants; Neag School of Education

Neag School Faculty Awarded More Than $2M in IES Grants

Two Neag School faculty members in the Department of Educational Leadership have recently received funding — totaling more than $2 million — from the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES), as part of the latest round of grants issued by the National Center for Education Research (NCER)’s Education Research Grants Program.

10 Questions With Reuben Pierre-Louis, Future Special Education Teacher

Current UConn student Reuben Pierre-Louis ’17 (ED), ’18 MA is set to begin his senior year in the Neag School’s five-year Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s (IB/M) program with a concentration in special education. In addition, he will be serving as a resident assistant this coming academic year in UConn’s new ScHOLA2RS House Learning Community.

Associate Professor Robert Colbert

In Memoriam: Associate Professor Robert Colbert

Robert Colbert, associate professor in the Neag School of Education, passed away on Friday, Aug. 12, 2016.

Early College Experience Program, Neag School Professor Expand Human Rights Education to High School Students

With 80 students currently majoring in the University’s human rights undergraduate program and another 40 to 50 enrolled as human rights minors, UConn stands out as one of just a handful of universities in the nation offering a degree program in the field of human rights. But educating students in human rights issues need not be exclusive to college campuses, as Glenn Mitoma, assistant professor of human rights and curriculum and instruction, can attest.

From Student Teacher to CEO: Meet Alum Amanda Slavin ’08 (ED), ’09 MA

Neag School alum Amanda Slavin ’08 (ED), ’09 MA has taken the skills she learned in the Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s program and is now applying them in a career in marketing as CEO and founder of Las Vegas-based startup Catalyst Creativ. This month, — an educational web resource for information on becoming a great teacher in any state across the country — features Slavin in its “8 Questions” series, which showcases teachers who have transitioned their classroom skills into new and exciting careers in, and beyond, the field of education.

10 Questions With Alexandra Lamb, Dean’s Doctoral Scholar

In this new series, the Neag School will be catching up with students, alumni, faculty, and others throughout the year to give you a glimpse into their Neag School experience and their current career, research, or community activities. Incoming Ph.D. student Alexandra Lamb will join the Neag School this fall as part of the second cohort of Dean’s Doctoral Scholars.