Author Archive
Science in Seconds: Cannabinoids
Cannabinoids are able to decrease our capacity to process pain in the brain while having less substance use potential than that of opioids
January 9, 2023 | Thomas Rettig and Ashley O'Connell
Bright Lights and Warm Wishes
As we say goodbye to 2022, the road ahead looks open and bright
December 13, 2022 | Thomas Rettig
Science in Seconds: Oyster Restoration
UConn Marine Science researcher Zofia Baumann has her eyes set on restoring Connecticut’s oyster populations
November 7, 2022 | Thomas Rettig
A Kitchen for the Community
UConn researchers are studying the importance of food and how to build more just, equitable, and sustainable communities by focusing on a unique facility called the Commercially Licensed Co-operative Kitchen or CLiCK.
September 8, 2022 | Thomas Rettig
Science in Seconds: Cryptocurrency
The existence of cryptocurrency may date to 2008, but many people still struggle to understand how it gets its value, why they should pay attention, and how to define it for the layman.
June 29, 2022 | Thomas Rettig
A New Fine Arts Theatre Production Facility
The brand-new Theatre Production Facility will provide students and faculty with needed space to prepare high-tech productions
August 23, 2021 | Thomas Rettig
Confronting the ‘Insect Apocalypse’
A period of mass extinction threatens insects - and the humans and animals who depend on them
June 22, 2021 | Thomas Rettig
A New Home for the Huskies
UConn athletes now call Husky Athletic Village and Rizza Performance Center home.
April 13, 2021 | Thomas Rettig
Walking For Climate Action
After UConn grad Hannah Bacon ’15 (CLAS) lost her job at an environmental nonprofit due to the pandemic, she decided to use her time off to walk across the country to raise money and awareness for climate action.
March 3, 2021 | Thomas Rettig, and Mike Enright '88 (CLAS), University Communications
A Signal From Beyond
Looking for ripples in the fabric of spacetime.
February 15, 2021 | Thomas Rettig