College of Agriculture, Health & Natural Resources

College faculty and students forge partnerships with Cuban counterparts

By Jason M. Sheldon UConn is expanding its global engagement to the shores of Cuba with the help of faculty members and students from the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. A June conference at the Instituto de Ciencia Animal provided an opportunity for UConn to share its collaborative spirit with Cuba, now possible […]

Awards advance Academic Plan

By Patsy Evans. Professors often collaborate on projects with others close to home or around the world. A recent announcement of the 2017 Academic Plan Proposal Awards highlights how several CAHNR faculty members successfully work together with colleagues right here at UConn. Seven people from the College, with various job titles, are included in three […]

A New England cottontail.

Wildlife conservation pilot project uses trained K-9 to scout cottontail nests

By Jason M. Sheldon. A canine searching a field for newborn cottontail rabbits sounds ominous. But if the dog is accompanied by Tracy Rittenhouse, assistant professor in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, then there is no cause for alarm. In the spring, Rittenhouse explored the possibility of training a canine to detect […]

Study to evaluate effects of child obesity prevention program on dads’ meal planning, shopping and cooking

After a successful pilot of the father-focused childhood obesity program Dad and Me, Amy Mobley, assistant professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, has received a $420,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health to continue and expand the program. “Most obesity prevention parent education programs focus on mothers,” Mobley says. “We have to recognize […]

Eversource and UConn team up to keep the lights on in severe weather

By Jason M. Sheldon With the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, Connecticut residents have become all too familiar with lengthy power outages. While strong winds, heavy precipitation and high tides are the most notable features of such events, 90 percent of Connecticut’s storm-related power outages are caused by falling trees and limbs. Connecticut is […]

Agricultural and Resource Economics inks agreement with Shandong University’s School of Management

By Nancy Weiss For Rigoberto Lopez and Adam Rabinowitz, travelling the globe is becoming second nature. Lopez, head of the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ARE) and long an international ambassador for the College and his department, and Assistant Research Professor Rabinowitz recently returned from China, where they met with faculty and administrators to […]

Patricia Jepson

Jepson recognized for outstanding student advising and service

Patricia Jepson, director of the College’s academic advising center director and agriculture education advisor, received the 2015 National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) Outstanding Service Citation, one of only six such awards given nationwide. The awards were presented at the NAAE annual convention this past November in New Orleans. “I was very honored to receive […]

CAHNR Ambassadors

College Ambassadors obtain skills while serving

A new group of 14 College Ambassadors will begin its duties in the fall of 2016. These undergraduate students will join 10 returning Ambassadors in serving UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources and Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture. The Ambassador Program Advisor Jillian Ives says the cohort’s mission is a three-fold one of […]

Rosa Raudales

Research team studies water quality and its effects on plant health and irrigation efficiency

With the country’s changing water needs and landscape, concerns are growing about the adequate supply of fresh water available to many areas of the nation. Agriculture is one of the largest users of water resources, specifically for crop irrigation. Rosa Raudales, assistant professor in the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, has received a […]

AHS logo

Researcher studies marketing of unhealthy foods to children and teens

According to UConn’s Rudd Center For Food Policy and Obesity, food marketing aimed at children contributes to poor diet and childhood obesity. Jennifer Harris, associate professor in the Department of Allied Health Sciences, says food companies spend approximately $2 billion a year marketing food to children and teens. This extensive marketing of unhealthy snack foods […]