College of Engineering

UConn Technical Workshop

Please join us for a 1 day Technical Workshop to sharpen your skills around High Performance Computing. Representatives from Hewlett-Packard and NVIDIA will be onsite to provide instructional lectures and technical breakout sessions to help UConn faculty, staff, and students gain valuable experience in the exciting field of High Performance Computing.

CTI Collaborates with DOT to Improve State’s Road Maintenance Operations

The Connecticut Transportation Institute (CTI), working with the CT Department of Transportation, is collecting data in support of our state's efforts to make road maintenance operations more environmentally friendly

10th Annual Technology Transfer Expo – Another Great Success!

On September 21st, the sun peeked out from a week's worth of clouds to shine on the 10th Annual Technology Transfer Expo in Storrs. The event, sponsored and coordinated by CTI's Technology Transfer Center (T2 Center), gathered more than 400 participants.

Celebrate Student Innovation (VIDEO included)

On Thursday, October 20, a consortium of universities will come together for a singular Innovation Connection networking event highlighting, and rewarding, the accomplishments of student innovators.

Faculty News

Stay up to date with the latest School of Engineering faculty news and happenings!

Engineering Awards – Please Nominate a Leader

Each year, the School of Engineering celebrates a number of distinguished alumni whose career achievements are exceptional in nature, and dedicated non-alumni who have made dramatic and enduring contributions to our School. Please nominate someone who deserves to be recognized! Those selected will be honored formally in the spring and inducted into the Academy of […]

Simplifying Production Methods in Chemotherapy Drugs

Approximately 1.5 million people in the United States were diagnosed with cancer in 2010, including 21,000 of Connecticut’s own citizens. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the U.S., accounting for one in four deaths.

The Pocket Protector

Welcome to the inaugural edition of a new emagination column, The Pocket Protector. Named for the formerly ubiquitous plastic sleeves designed to spare pocket shirts the ruin of runny pens and smudgy mechanical pencils, pocket protectors enjoyed their heyday in the 50s and 60s.

Timothy Fekete: Engineering Success

He entered college looking for a challenge. This year, he will be graduating from the University of Connecticut with a degree in mechanical engineering, professional internship experience, and presidential accolades of his engineering honors fraternity.

UConn Team to Study Digestive Community in Termites

The bane of many a homeowner, the dreaded termites, may gain new respect as a source of clean energy. An interdisciplinary team of researchers at UConn and CalTech has won a $2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to explore how communities of microbes found in the guts of termites interact to efficiently metabolize wood cellulose.