College of Engineering

UConn Launches Networking Series for Student Inventors

Thursday, September 24 Are you a student who’s interested in starting your own tech business? Do you have a great idea that you’d like to develop into something profitable? Interested in knowing how to patent and market your clever ideas? Don’t miss the kick-off of a new seminar and networking series aimed at student inventors. […]

Alumna Profile: Tabitha Hitchcock, Submarine Engineer

Reprinted with permission from UConn magazine (“Forty Under Forty”), Volume 9, Number 3 – Fall/Winter 2008 Tabitha Hitchcock ’93 (ENG) launched her career at Electric Boat in Groton, Conn., by accepting her job two months before graduating with a UConn degree in civil engineering. She has not slowed down much since. Within three years at […]

Life-Changing Experience: UConn Engineering Students Help Ashford Boy

By Journal Inquirer Staff Published: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 2:04 PM EDT ASHFORD — On May 8, several graduating University of Connecticut students from the Biomedical Engineering program delivered their final projects to a local child in Ashford. “It brought us to tears,” Brenda Stenglein, the child’s mother, says. She says that throughout the year, […]

Chiu And Sung Receive EFRC Funding

Two faculty members will contribute their expertise toward separate Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) recently funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced the five-year awards in April. Mechanical Engineering professors Wilson K. S. Chiu and Chih-Jen “Jackie” Sung, both of whom are associated with the newly established Center for […]

November 5 Transportation Forum

Transportation issues, from infrastructure and roadway materials to driver behavior, will be the subject of a half-day forum sponsored by the Connecticut Transportation Institute(CTI). The Thursday, November 5 program, which is open to the public, will kick off at 8 a.m. in the Rome Commons Ballroom at the Storrs campus. The forum, coming just a week […]

New Appointments In Engineering

Dean Mun Choi recently announced the appointment of Dr. Jun-Hong (“June”) Cui as Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies & Diversity. Dr. Cui is an associate professor of Computer Science & Engineering and the first woman in the School’s history to be named to a top administrative post. In sharing the news, Dean Choi praised Dr. […]

Get Free E-mail for Life

Once a UConn Husky engineer, always a UConn Husky engineer! Show your UConn pride and stay connected. The School of Engineering is pleased to announce that all UConn engineering students and alumni may now receive a free e-mail address for life! Get your account today. Whether you’re a student or an alumnus, it’s easy […]

Dr. Sun Receives AHA National Scientist Development Grant

Wei Sun, an assistant professor of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, was recently awarded an American Heart Association National Scientist Development grant of more than $300,000 in support of his work aimed at developing accurate biomechanical models that depict how human hearts respond to a heart valve repair procedure called percutaneous transvenous mitral annuloplasty. The […]

UConn EWB Provides Assistance In Thailand

Two members of the UConn chapter of Engineers Without Borders spent three weeks last May and June applying engineering principles to relief projects in the hill country of northern Thailand. Chapter president Robert Yau and former president Nathan Barlow, both Chemical Engineering seniors, engaged in a number of tasks intended to improve the lives of […]

Taking The Industry Standard One Step Toward The Future

By Kate Kurtin High-tech industries are always looking for ways to improve their products– trying to make things that are fast, faster; things that are low powered, lower powered; and things that are small, smaller. Many of these improvements are enabled by semiconductor technology. By continuously improving electronic device design and introducing new materials, new […]