College of Engineering

GEM Membership Improves Graduate Diversity Recruiting

The School of Engineering has joined the national GEM Consortium, a 140-plus member organization that seeks to foster greater diversity among post-graduate educational and workplace populations within the so-called STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) disciplines. The GEM Consortium focuses specifically upon underrepresented groups, including African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanic Americans at the master’s […]

Students Find Internships Rewarding

Most UConn engineering students engage in internships during their undergraduate years that enrich their education and provide unparalleled opportunities for real-world experience. We recently invited students to discuss their internships: Nicholas Chokas (Computer Science & Engineering; Minor in Mathematics) of Manchester, CT, chose UConn Engineering “because I love technology, and with UConn being ranked the […]

UConn Engineering Graduate Students Pursue Cutting-Edge Research

Nearly 500 master’s and doctoral students pursue graduate studies within the School of Engineering’s five departments and 10 graduate programs. Our students represent diverse cultural traditions, backgrounds and interest areas; all of them are dedicated researchers with the energy and insight to advance important technological ideas. Read about some of them below. Jonathan P. Winterstein […]

Droplet Flame Extinguishment in Microgravity (FLEX)

Dean of Engineering Mun Y. Choi is an investigator on a NASA grant aimed at examining the burning behavior of isolated fuel droplets under microgravity conditions. This two-phased project is a collaborative effort involving researchers at NASA, UConn, the University of California – Davis, the University of California – San Diego, Cornell University and Princeton […]

Government-Industry-Academic Collaboration Improves Jet Engine Performance

Faculty from the Mechanical Engineering Department are conducting research that will improve flame stability in fighter jet afterburners, which are used to attain greater thrust during critical combat exchanges or during short-distance take-offs, such as those from an aircraft carrier. With approximately $200,000 in funding from the National Science Foundation, paired with personnel and equipment […]

New Engineering Building to be Built

Dean of Engineering Mun Y. Choi announced that a new Engineering building will be constructed on the Storrs campus by 2013. Steady growth in undergraduate enrollments, the need for expanded high-tech research space, and success in securing a number of high profile national research centers have heightened pressures on the School to expand. Preliminary designs […]

Melissa Jacques: Volunteerism, Leadership Lauded

Melissa Jacques: Volunteerism Emerges from Bridge Melissa, who hails from East Hartford and says she is a “proud Hornet Alumni,” is earning B.S. degrees in both Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering. She was chosen a 2008 Outstanding Senior Women of Academic Achievement Award recipient. Why UConn? “I was attracted to UConn by the […]

Clinical & Translational Medicine

Faculty members across the University, including 10 Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) faculty members and researchers from the UConn Health Center, are collaborating on a novel initiative aimed at transforming the manner in which clinical and translational science research is conducted worldwide. Three years ago, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) began its Clinical and […]

Student Team to Help Power Plant Improve Performance

Three engineering students, overseen by Chemical Engineering professor Douglas Cooper, began a research study over the summer aimed at helping the UConn power plant attain greater performance efficiencies. The team seeks to fine-tune plant operation with the goal of reducing the consumption of natural gas and fresh water while still meeting the electrical, heating and […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering News

Dr. Dipanjan Basu who joins the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department as an assistant professor. Dr. Basu earned his Ph.D. (’06) and M.S. from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, and a Master of Technology from India Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur. His research expertise and interests lie in the modeling of boundary value problems pertaining […]