School of Law

Commencement 2018

The Class of 2018 will mark the end of their time here at Commencement ceremonies May 5-7. Read on for stories about the graduating seniors, where they are headed, and the memories they are taking with them.

Douglas Elliot '82 (BUS), center, listens as President Susan Herbst, right, reads the citation and Lawrence Gramling, associate dean, holds a hood as Elliot receives an honorary degree during the School of Business Commencement ceremony at Gampel Pavilion on May 7, 2017. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

2018 Commencement Speakers

The honored guests of UConn’s commencement ceremonies this year are leaders in their fields.

Book Cover: New Technologies for Human Rights Law and Practice, with photo of Molly Land

New Book Explores Human Rights, Technology – and Open Access

A new book co-edited by UConn Law Professor Molly K. Land examines the rapidly evolving relationship between technology and human rights and takes a suitably innovative approach to distribution — the book is fully open access. On April 19, 2018, Cambridge University Press released “New Technologies for Human Rights Law and Practice,” edited by Land […]

A lawyer and the jury. (Getty Images)

Researcher Examines Police Perjury as Part of Legal Culture

Whether prompted by pressure to secure convictions, or by inadequate police disciplinary procedures, false testimony by police is ingrained in the system, says law professor Julia Simon-Kerr.


UConn Law Rises Again in U.S. News Rankings

UConn School of Law has moved up 15 points, from 65th to 50th place, over the past two years in the U.S. News & World Report list of Best Law Schools. The newly released rankings for 2019 show a rise of four points, following an 11-point increase in the 2018 rank. Dean Timothy Fisher said […]

Photograph of a U.S. Department of Homeland Security logo. (VIPDesignUSA/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

Law School’s DACA Clinic Advises Clients of Their Rights

The clinic offers consultations to young people affected by the discontinuation of the DACA immigration policy and provides valuable work experience for law students.

'Getting to the Red Planet is a lot more than just rocket science. Management professor John Mathieu ’80 (CLAS) is working with NASA on the human mechanics.' (Illustration by Daniel Fishel for UConn)

Alum Takes Students on Venture into Outer Space Law

Steve Mirmina ’92 JD, a space law expert, will discuss his specialty at UConn Law on March 2.

Howard R. Sacks,

Remembering Former UConn Law Dean Howard Sacks

Howard R. Sacks, dean of the University of Connecticut School of Law from 1967 to 1972, died Feb. 16, 2018. He was 96. Under his leadership, the law school expanded its clinics, recruited faculty members of national stature, broadened the curriculum to cover more national and international issues, and adopted a more interdisciplinary approach to […]

The winning team of the 4th Annual Business/Law Negotiation Competition. From left: Brooke Tinnerello '17, UConn law student, Christopher DiGiacomo '18 MBA, and Steven Lin, UConn law student. (Nathan Oldham/UConn photo)

MBA Candidates, Law Students Test Their Skills in a Two-Day Negotiation Challenge

MBA candidate Chris DiGiacomo is accustomed to negotiating project dates and deadlines through his job as a program management specialist at Pratt & Whitney. But after winning the 4th Annual Business/Law Negotiation Competition on January 27 at UConn Law School with two teammates, he admits he had to lie down. “My brain was exhausted,” he […]

UConn Law Alumnus and ‘Marshall’ Scriptwriter Speaks at Screening

“The only way to get through a bigot’s door is to break it down,” actor Chadwick Boseman, playing Thurgood Marshall, declares at a pivotal point in the film Marshall. The statement elicited a hum of agreement from the audience gathered at Spotlight Theatres in downtown Hartford on January 25, 2018, to celebrate the film and […]