School of Law

PILG Auction Crowd Bids to Raise Funds in the Public Interest

The Public Interest Law Group’s 23rd Annual Auction on Nov. 13 raised more than $28,000 from an enthusiastic crowd that filled the Reading Room in William F. Starr Hall and bought everything on offer. The most sought-after items were the three Barbri Bar Review Course scholarships, which raised a total of $6,700. Various vacation trips […]

Gov. Malloy Proposes Major Initiative at Law Review Symposium

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, speaking at the largest symposium ever hosted by the UConn School of Law, proposed a groundbreaking series of reforms to the criminal justice system of the state, and indeed the nation. In an address at the annual Connecticut Law Review Symposium on Nov. 6, 2015, “The Other One Percent: Prison Reform […]

Law Professors Contribute to Supreme Court Briefs

UConn Law professors Bethany Berger and Brendan Maher have contributed to separate amicus briefs in the U.S. Supreme Court case Dollar General v. Mississippi Choctaw, which concerns the jurisdiction of Indian tribal courts over civil claims against non-members. Dollar General Corporation operates a store on land held in trust for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw […]

UConn Law Professor Sara Bronin

Conference Explores the Future of Historic Preservation

Preservationists gathered Oct. 16 on the historic campus of UConn School of Law to chart the future of Connecticut’s historic cities, towns, mill villages and rural landscapes. They assembled at a day-long conference, “Old Roots / New Routes,” sponsored by the Center for Energy & Environmental Law at UConn School of Law and the Connecticut […]

State Supreme Court Visits UConn Law

The Connecticut Supreme Court brought a question of marital privilege in a murder case and another about real estate recording fees to UConn School of Law on Wednesday. The session was part of the Judicial’s Branch’s “On Circuit” program, established to educate the public, especially students, through live court proceedings outside the courthouse. After oral […]

Definition of word euthanasia in dictionary. (iStock Photo)

Dying with Dignity: The Legal Landscape

As California legalizes assisted suicide for terminally ill patients, a UConn Law professor explains the legal issues involved.

A butcher cutting meat at a pork processing plant. (iStock Photo)

UConn Law Professors File Brief with U.S. Supreme Court

The brief offers expert information relevant to an appeal by Tyson Foods that could affect the future of class action suits.

The American flag merged with a keyboard. (iStock Image)

Privacy, Security, and the Legacy of 9/11

A UConn privacy law expert discusses how legal and policy changes after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 have affected personal privacy in the U.S.

Photo illustration of gavel, stethoscope, prescription pad, and the American flag. (iStock Photo)

Affordable Care Act in the Balance

UConn Law professor John Cogan discusses the Supreme Court case challenging the Act, saying that it had the potential to cause chaos in many states' health insurance markets.

A row of lockers in an empty school hallway. (iStock Photo)

New Graduate Program Combines Educational Leadership, Law

The program will prepare professionals to manage the wide variety of legal issues that school administrators face.