School of Pharmacy

A nurse checks a prisoner's blood pressure. (Shutterstock Photo)

Breaking Down Barriers to Healthcare for the Incarcerated

UConn is taking the lead in treatment of incarcerated patients with its Center for Correctional Health Networks.

Amy Anderson, left, professor of pharmaceutical science and Dennis Wright, professor of pharmaceutical science on Jan. 8, 2014. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Possible Breakthrough in Battle Against Drug-Resistant Diseases

Two UConn researchers have developed new compounds that appear to be effective against E. coli, MRSA, and other antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

The ABC’s of Managing Your Medications

UConn Health pharmacists give valuable advice on how to take and store your medicines correctly.

Interprofessional Health Care

AHEC students work and learn in interprofessional teams to provide care for the urban underserved.

Signing up for Affordable Health Care. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Helping the Uninsured

Nine pharmacy students are helping people enroll for health insurance as part of the Affordable Care Act.

Pharmacist (Shutterstock)

Making Pharmacists Part of the Primary Care Team

In a Health Affairs analysis, a UConn professor makes the case for increasing the role of pharmacists in providing front-line care.

Expanding the Pharmacist’s Role in Mental Health Care

The School of Pharmacy sponsors a symposium on the role of community pharmacists in dealing with patients with mental illness.

UConn Patented Instrument Helps Reduce Risks in Drug Development

A team of faculty and students from pharmacy and engineering has invented an instrument that could help pharmaceutical companies develop new medicines more efficiently.

Lisa Bragaw, RPh, field coordinator, left, and Marie Smith, professor of pharmacy

Expanding the Pharmacist’s Role in Health Care

Most people see their pharmacist only when they are dropping off a prescription or picking up medication. But new research by the School of Pharmacy and the Connecticut Pharmacists Association has found that allowing pharmacists to be more involved in the delivery of health care improves patient outcomes and reduces costly emergency room visits. It […]

Faculty Member’s Role as Community Pharmacist Represents New Era

Lisa Holle’s community outreach is a new model for the role of pharmacists in health care.