Health & Well-Being

A Personal Decision – Genetic Counselors Provide Valuable Guidance for Cancer Patients

As the saying goes, information is power – especially when it comes to your health. This was the message that inspired Sandra Naylor to make an appointment with UConn Health Center genetic counselor Robin Schwartz to understand her risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Sadly, Sandra had just lost her mother to ovarian cancer and […]

Fake Pot Spurs Increasing Number of Calls to Poison Center

Members of the public are encouraged to seek further information and report exposures.

Pharmacy Professor Awarded Prestigious Grant for Cancer Research

Kyle Hadden is studying the preventive and therapeutic effects of vitamin D on cancer treatment.

Artificial Antibodies Hold Promise for Fighting Cancer, Other Diseases

UConn researchers are developing artificial antibodies that will deliver drugs directly to cells.

Recovery from Autism

A UConn expert says early intervention can help some children recover from autism.

Iraq War Veteran Hopes to Help Improve Military Fitness Programs

Grad student Tunde Szivak says her military service shaped her career decision.

Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Iraq/Afghanistan Veterans

A psychiatry professor at the UConn Health Center is comparing two treatment approaches for PTSD.

Clinical Trials Favorable for Novel Breast Cancer Detection Device

A noninvasive device developed at UConn could reduce the number of breast biopsies.

Study Shows Millions of Americans Forgoing Medical Care After Cancer

Many cancer survivors said they could not afford needed medical services.

Ten UConn Stem Cell Projects Receive State Funding

The funded projects range from seeking to better understand the cells, to developing new therapies.