Research & Discovery

McCarthy as a German soldier, syndicated cartoon by Bill Mauldin, Feb. 25, 1954.

Fight Against Fascism Not Over

In his new book, English professor Christopher Vials identifies strands of fascist ideology in American culture over time.

Mother and adult daughter chat over a cup of coffee. (iStock Photo)

‘Talk to Your Mother’ Proves to be Healthy Advice

UConn researchers find that people derive greater health benefits from discussing difficult issues with mom than they do talking with dad.

Illustration of an ear with waves emanating. (iStock Image)

Quiet that Ringing in the Brain

A UConn researcher investigating potassium channels has tested a promising new drug for treating epilepsy and tinnitus.

Piecing Together a 12,000 Year-old Way of Life

Archeological researchers recently uncovered hundreds of artifacts thought to be the oldest in Connecticut.

Daniel Kloyzner ‘16 (ENG) with Richard Parnas, a professor of chemical, materials, and biomolecular engineering, has found a way to turn particle board into carpet. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

A New Use for Old Carpet

UConn researchers in engineering and business are collaborating to create particle board from waste carpet and bring it to market.

(Photo courtesy of Jan Krátký)

Rinse and Repeat to Remove Anxiety

UConn researchers found the first scientific evidence of a link between anxiety and ritualized behavior.

(Bret Eckhardt/UConn Photo)

Identifying Counterfeit Computer Chips

UConn researchers are developing innovative methods for determining whether or not a computer chip is genuine.

A row of lockers in an empty school hallway. (iStock Photo)

New Graduate Program Combines Educational Leadership, Law

The program will prepare professionals to manage the wide variety of legal issues that school administrators face.

Jan-Michael Hessenauer uses a UV flashlight to see a visual implant elastomer tag. This was one of two methods that were sued to confirm the population of origin of the fish under study. Each fish was elastomer tagged the fall prior to being released into the pens. Tags are a soft liquid that is injected in gel form under the fish's skin, like a tatoo. Fish were also fin clipped - a different fin for each population. The clips grow back quickly but leave a recognizble scar. When researchers saw both the correct color and the correct fin clip, they were certain where the fish had come from. (Jason Vokoun/UConn Photo)

Study Points to Human Impact on Evolution of Freshwater Fish

A UConn study finds that recreational fishing may not be as benign as intended even when fish are returned to the water.

Understanding Addiction: A Genetic Approach to Clinical Symptoms

A new study will use data on more than 11,000 people in hopes of developing an individualized approach to substance abuse.