University Life

A student rubs the nose of the Husky dog stature for luck at the start of the spring 2014 semester. (Angelina Reyes/UConn Photo)

The Students Are Back!

Amid the start of classes and catching up with friends, some got the semester off to a good start by rubbing the Husky dog's nose for luck.

Honoring MLK Through Service

UConn students were among volunteers from across the country who spent Martin Luther King Day engaged in service projects.

More Students Get a Jump on Credits in Winter Term

Students taking the classes can fulfill a requirement, catch up, or earn additional credits to reach graduation more quickly.

Learning About Integrative Medicine

A medical student in the Class of 2015 describes her year away from medical school and how it enriched her education in integrative health.

Senior chemical engineering student Derek Chhiv, right, discusses with Professor Anson Ma his group's prototype for an artificial kidney. The prototype was generated through 3-D printing. (Al Ferreira for UConn)

Rising to the Challenge: Students

A review of some student highlights over the past 12 months.

A view of the Convocation ceremony held on the Student Union Mall on Aug. 22, 2014. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

A Dynamic Community: UConn in 2014

A look at UConn’s evolving community during 2014.

Gavel and open book on a wooden table in the courtroom. (iStock Photo)

UConn Undergraduates Head to National Moot Court Contest

The team will represent UConn for the first time at the national level.

Students walk outdoors near the John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education on Dec. 4, 2014. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Five-day Black-and-white Challenge Comes to Campus

University photographer Peter Morenus responds to the national social media campaign with a selection of campus shots in grayscale.

The Nathan Hale Inn. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

UConn Seeks to Buy Nathan Hale Inn for Student Housing

Trustees have authorized the University to negotiate purchase of the hotel to accommodate more students on campus.

Two students at Midnight Breakfast. (Cody Carver '14 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)Two students at Midnight Breakfast. (Cody Carver '14 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Tips for Surviving Finals

Students at this year's Midnight Breakfast offer some advice for getting through finals week.