University Life
An Overwhelming Victory
Lauren Engeln and other players give high fives to Husky fans, after the women's basketball team handed North Carolina its worst loss, 86-35.
January 17, 2012 | Peter Morenus
Students to Walk in the Clouds during Winter Break
Eleven UConn students majoring in science-related fields leave on Jan. 5 for a biology and conservation tour of Costa Rica.
January 3, 2012 | Cathleen Torrisi
Engineering Students Go Beyond the Books to Assist Massachusetts Girl
Special equipment designed by three students in the biomedical engineering program has given 3 year-old Samantha Gillard a degree of freedom she never had before.
December 20, 2011 | Alexa Dankowski ’13 (CLAS)
Kwanzaa Ceremony Heralds the Holiday Season
The African American Cultural Center's annual Kwanzaa event included the lighting of candles, a blessing, and a shared meal.
December 16, 2011 | Max Sinton '15 (CLAS)
Academics and Dance Drew Student to Storrs from Down Under
During a semester at UConn, Australian exchange student Casey Jessop has decided on a major in marine sciences and received an education in Huskymania.
December 13, 2011 | Lauren Lalancette
Tuition and Fees Discussed at ‘Town Hall’ Meeting
President Herbst and UConn CFO Richard Gray say, 'Hiring the faculty we need to teach our students is our number one priority.'
December 12, 2011 | Michael Kirk
Twins Share Coverage of Huskies Sports at Daily Campus
The two journalism majors grew up as fans of baseball, basketball, and football.
December 12, 2011 | Kenneth Best
Town Hall Meetings on Tuition Scheduled
UConn's Chief Financial Officer will give a presentation on the University's budget situation, and answer questions.
December 9, 2011 | Michael Kirk
Taiwanese Exchange Student Enjoys Classes, Travel, and Husky Sports
Pei-Kang Wu, the first student from Taiwan's National Chengchi University to study at UConn, is one of more than 200 foreign exchange students on campus.
December 9, 2011 | Andrew Sparks '12 MA
Gingerbread Teams Enjoy the Sweet Taste of Success
Friendly competition was the order of the day for the Gingerbread House Contest, part of the Dec. 7 Winter Holiday Celebration.
December 8, 2011 | Sean Flynn & Sarah Rawlinson '15 (SFA)