
CAHNR Student speaks with donor

CAHNR Annual Scholars Celebration Brings Together Students, Donors, and Families

Over 130 students and their families joined donors and CAHNR administration to celebrate achievement, generosity, and community

visual mashup of photo of UConn basketball players and students in fatigues undergoing training at horsebarn hill in storrs ct

Can We Heal Injured Veterans by Studying Basketball?

Neal Glaviano is acutely aware of knee pain's impact in active duty and reserve-based military units – and is applying knowledge gained from working with UConn's student athletes toward helping active-duty service members and veterans.

WB Young Building

A Message to the CAHNR Community on Low Completion/Enrollment Academic Programs

From Dean Indrajeet Chaubey on CAHNR academic programs

George Kuchel, MD, Director, UConn Center on Aging and UConn Pepper Center speaking at the first annual meeting of the UConn Aging and UConn Pepper Center held at the Mark Twain House and Museum

UConn’s Experts in Aging Honor Colleagues and Highlight Advances

'This is a time of remarkable innovation in geriatric medicine and gerontology'

Group of people on a football field

Korey Stringer Institute Back in Vikings Country to Advance Lifesaving Measures for the State’s High School Athletes

Since launching its “Team Up for Sports Safety” (TUFSS) campaign in 2017, Minnesota is the 46th state that KSI has visited to work with state leaders to propel health and safety policy adoption forward

$17.7 Million Contract Funds Development of Non-Invasive Biomarker Detection Technology

The contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will develop a sensor to detect heat acclimation for warfighters

An aerial view of campus from the north on a sunny day in Storrs on Aug. 20, 2024. (Sydney Herdle/UConn Photo)

InCHIP Funds Groundbreaking Pilot Projects, Planting Seeds for Future External Grant Success

InCHIP has funded 10 pilot projects that seek to improve public and human health consistent with UConn’s mission.

Blackcurrants in containers

Study Suggests Blackcurrant Supplementing Mitigates Postmenopausal Bone Loss

The study found that the supplements either prevented the loss of, and in some cases even increased whole-body bone mineral density

Chopping herbs to be included in a salad dressing during a competition held at the UCann Cook Camp at Gelfenbien Commons on July 18, 2019.

Plans for UConn’s Food Innovation Center Heat Up

With need confirmed by industry, the Food Innovation Center would aim to support new and existing businesses in the state

An older couple jogs along a seafront together.

New Geroscience Program Delves Into the Mysteries of Aging

'Our goal is to give as many students as possible a greater appreciation and understanding of aging'