UConn in the News

NBC Connecticut

Program Aims to Increase Number of Spanish-Speaking Social Workers in the State


UConn Vascular Health

The Hartford Courant

UConn Professor Records Song to Memorialize Ukraine Tragedy, Urges Remembrance

The Hartford Courant

There’s a New Kind of Women’s Intimate Apparel Coming to Connecticut. A UConn Student Created It.


What is Connecticut Doing to Stop Wrong-Way Crashes?

Hartford Courant

A Connecticut Man Had a Heart Problem With Major Symptoms. Then a UConn Doc Did a ‘Cutting-Edge Procedure.’

Hearst Connecticut Media

How Should Schools Teach Reading? It’s the Hottest Debate in Connecticut Education

Hartford Business Journal

Connecticut Has an Engineer Shortage; Some Colleges Are Working to Address the Need

CT Mirror

On Aging, Maybe America Needs to Grow Up

Insider Higher Ed

Stone Wall Science