Saying Thank You
Nov. 15 is a day to say thank you to donors and for students to learn about giving back.
November 12, 2010 | The UConn Foundation
In Their Honor
More than 400 veterans bring a special set of experiences to their UConn education.
November 10, 2010 | Bret Eckhardt
Collegium Musicum to Perform Newly-Discovered Works
A UConn ensemble will perform music from manuscripts dating from 17th and 18th-century Ecuador.
November 5, 2010 | Combined Reports
People Are Talking
Former UConn basketball star Kalana Greene offers a video testimonial as a Health Center patient.
November 4, 2010 | Carolyn Pennington
Happy Halloween, UConn!
A pumpkin goes under the knife for UConn.
October 29, 2010 | Brian Maresca, ’10
Beyond the Comfort Zone
Students in the Outing Club take part in challenging outdoor activities, such as rock climbing.
October 18, 2010 | Bret Eckhardt
Officials Discuss FY12 Fiscal Issues
During a public meeting Oct. 6, administrators discussed anticipated budgetary challenges.
October 12, 2010 | Bret Eckhardt
Watch the Town Hall Meeting on Fiscal Issues Here
The Town Hall Meeting is being streamed live on UConn Today from 3:30 to 5 p.m.
October 6, 2010 | Bret Eckhardt
The Huskies Go Marching On
A look at the UConn Marching Band, past and present.
September 29, 2010 | Bret Eckhardt