Neag Community Engagement
Using Student Data to Predict and Prevent High School Dropouts
Each year, more than half a million students drop out of high school in the United States. But what if schools could predict which individuals were most at risk for dropping out — and perhaps even take action to prevent such an outcome? As it turns out, such a scenario is closer than ever to becoming a reality.
February 2, 2018 | Stefanie Dion Jones
Professional Learning Communities for State’s Science Educators
In collaboration with their partners, David Todd Campbell, professor of science education, and David Moss, the director of global education for the Neag School, have established the Connecticut Network for Science Educators and Preservice Teachers (CoNSEPT).
January 9, 2018 | Jessica McBride, PhD
Neag School Announces Recipients of 2018 Alumni Awards
The Neag School of Education and its Alumni Board are proud to announce the 2018 Neag School Alumni Awards honorees. RSVP online today for the springtime celebration.
December 14, 2017 | Shawn Kornegay
Scott Brown Provides Training in Colombia as Fulbright Specialist
Since 2001, the Fulbright Specialist Program has been pairing a selection of top U.S. faculty experts and other professionals from a variety of disciplines with foreign host institutions for anywhere between two and six weeks to serve as consultants — sharing their knowledge and skills, and taking part in activities that support the host institution’s priorities and goals — while being immersed in other cultures. Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Educational Psychology Scott Brown, who is certified as a Fulbright Specialist, accepted an assignment that sent him this past month to Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Pontifical Xavierian University) in Cali, Colombia.
December 1, 2017 | Stefanie Dion Jones
Neag School Receives $300K Award to Support Mentor Education
Through a generous $300,000 award from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, high school seniors enrolled in the foundation’s Young Scholars Program will be able to pursue areas of interest and advanced learning for a three-week residential program housed on the University of Connecticut’s Storrs campus in the summer of 2018.
November 21, 2017 | Shawn Kornegay
Community Foundation to Fund Leadership Training Project
The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving has awarded funding for a project focused on leadership training through the UConn Administrator Preparation Program (UCAPP), a school leadership program based at the Neag School that prepares highly qualified school administrators in Connecticut.
November 8, 2017 | Stefanie Dion Jones
Neag School Hosts Global Sports Mentoring Program Emerging Leader
The Global Sports Mentoring Program (GSMP)’s Empower Women Through Sports Initiative is an international initiative co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and espnW that partners emerging female leaders from 17 countries with leading executives and experts in the U.S. sports industry. For the second consecutive year, Neag School faculty members Jennie McGarry and Laura Burton will be serving in the coming weeks as hosts.
October 5, 2017 | Meghan Farrell
Professor Emeritus Vincent Rogers Bestows Innovation Grant
Neag School of Education professor emeritus Vincent Rogers has announced a planned bequest to the Neag School, designating a legacy gift of $125,000 to expand the Rogers Educational Innovation Fund in support of innovative projects carried out by teachers in Connecticut. Through his gift, elementary and middle-school teachers across the state will be able to apply annually for a $5,000 gift for use in the classroom.
October 3, 2017 | Shawn Kornegay
Neag School Announces Partnership With Mashantucket Pequot Museum
Stemming from the Thomas J. Dodd Center’s human rights education initiative, a new partnership was established between University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education, the Upstander Project, and the Mashantucket Pequot Museum. The partnership is called the Upstander Academy, which formally came together last year as a way to practice outreach and human rights education with the community.
May 17, 2017 | Alexandra Walz
Students, Donors Celebrate at Annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony
The Neag School of Education honored more than 100 of its students last night at its Annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony. Formerly known as the Honors Day Celebration, the event — held at the Jorgensen Center for Performing Arts on the UConn Storrs campus — brought together current students receiving Neag School-affiliated scholarships in the coming academic year; their guests; and the donors whose contributions to the Neag School make these sources of financial support possible.
April 13, 2017 | Stefanie Dion Jones