Research & Discovery

Miller Oberman, a doctoral candidate in poetry, in the Homer Babbidge Library on Oct. 14, 2013. (Ariel Dowski '14 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Poetry Graduate Student Wins National Translation Prize

Miller Oberman, the first student ever to win the award, was recognized for his translation of an 8th-century poem.

The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on How the Brain Processes Sound

A UConn researcher has found that children of parents with low levels of education hear differently than their peers.

James Dixon, Associate Professor of the department of psychology on Oct. 7, 2013. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Not Quite Frankenstein

A new research program will study the origins of biological behavior using nonliving things.

Peczuh - Instituto Quimco De Sarria - Spain

The International Language of Science

A Fulbright Fellowship enabled chemistry professor Mark Peczuh to work with research colleagues in a lab in Spain.

Associate Professor of History Mark Healey is a recipient of a national American Council of Learned Societies fellowship, which allows him to investigate water resource issues in Argentina. (Photo courtesy Mark Healey.)

Two Humanities Scholars Win ACLS Fellowships

The American Council of Learned Societies year-long fellowships are among the leading awards for scholars in the humanities.

Education policy expert Jonathan Plucker is one of the nationally prominent scholars attracted to the University by an ambitious new faculty hiring plan.

Report: ‘Excellence Gap’ Growing Among American Students

A new report by education professor Jonathan Plucker finds that the highest-performing American students are disproportionately white and wealthy.

Political Science major Vanessa Lovelace, 1st place (and People's Choice winner) presenting her topic: Genealogies of Liberty: An Embodied Black Freedom Trail.

The Three-Minute Thesis

Summarizing years of study in just three minutes isn’t easy, but it’s a challenge some UConn graduate students tackled recently.

Gerry Altmann in psychology is one of the major new hires. He’s from the UK – Ph.D. from Edinburgh, currently at York University. He’s one of the famed cognitive science cluster hires, specializing in the cognitive science of language, ‘language processing and aspects of eye movement control’ on July 19, 2013. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Psycholinguistics Expert Gerry Altmann to Join UConn Faculty

An internationally known researcher, Altmann will join the expanding cognitive science program in fall 2014.

From left to right: Bernard Grela, associate professor and head of the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, and master’s students Carrie Adams, Minal Kadam, and Sarah Smialek, discuss the progress of the Read to Succeed students. (Bri Diaz/UConn Photo)

Helping Adults with Reading Disabilities Improve Their Language Skills

A group of UConn speech-language pathologists is working with participants in an adult literacy program in Hartford.

Daniel Schwartz, assistant professor of physiology and neurobiology, talks with Joey Shea '14 (ENG) about his new software. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

A New Tool for Visualizing DNA, Protein Sequences

Professor Daniel Schwartz enlisted the help of UConn student programmers to build a faster and more efficient Web program.