Herbst’s Convocation Advice for the Class of 2015
Four years ago, President Herbst and the Class of 2015 embarked on their first year at UConn. Here's what she told them at Convocation.
May 4, 2015 | Bret Eckhardt
Seniors Today, Huskies Forever
Hundreds of members of the Class of 2015 enjoyed the food, music, and fun at the first annual Senior Send-off event on Tuesday.
April 30, 2015 | Elizabeth Caron
#WhyWeAreHuskies: Being a Student-Athlete
A video profile of biology major and football player JJ Bivona '15 (CLAS) is the fifth and final in this year's week-long series.
April 30, 2015 | Elizabeth Caron
Falling for UConn
Members of the UConn Skydiving Club jump from 9,000 feet and land on the Great Lawn of the Storrs campus.
April 29, 2015 | Members of the UConn Skydiving Club
#WhyWeAreHuskies: Rise to the Challenge
A video profile of nursing major Elizabeth Schilling '15 (NUR), who has successfully balanced the demands of cheerleading, a job, and a rigorous class schedule.
April 29, 2015 | Elizabeth Caron
#WhyWeAreHuskies: Enhancing Lives
A video profile of psychology major Anneliese Sehulster '15 (CLAS), who enjoys teaching kids with learning disabilities.
April 28, 2015 | Elizabeth Caron
Sakura Matsuri, a Japanese Celebration of Spring
The Japanese Student Association brought the festivities, including Japanese food and cultural performances, to UConn for the first time this year.
April 28, 2015 | Brice Boutot '16 (CLAS)
#WhyWeAreHuskies: First Generation
A video profile of Gabriel Bachinelo '16 (BUS), the first generation in his family to attend college, continues a week-long series.
April 27, 2015 | Elizabeth Caron
Playing in the Dirt
UConn students took to the mud this past weekend with some spirited games of Oozeball.
April 27, 2015 | Casey Higgins '15 (CLAS)
Football Team Fine-tunes its Game at Blue-and-White Event
Football was in the air at UConn’s annual Blue and White Game, where Bob Diaco’s team fine-tuned its game in preparation for the season ahead.
April 13, 2015 | Elizabeth Caron