Calling All Huskies – Homecoming 2010
The Homecoming parade on Sept. 26 kicks off a week of exciting events.
September 22, 2010 | Bret Eckhardt
Making Movies Within Cells
Biologist Barbara Mellone is studying what happens when a dividing cell makes a mistake.
September 20, 2010 | Christine Buckley
Scientists Seek to Improve Heart Attack Recovery
UConn researchers use stem cell technology to replenish damaged cells following a heart attack.
September 16, 2010 | David Bauman & Brian Maresca
Salamanders on Fast Track with Evolution
Mark Urban's studies of salamanders show that New England ponds can be hotbeds for evolution.
September 14, 2010 | Christine Buckley
Art for Everyone
Works of art are found across the Storrs campus. Find out more about them on a docent-led tour.
September 10, 2010 | Bret Eckhardt & Sheila Foran
Ride with Pride
Show your Husky pride with the new UConn license plate.
September 2, 2010 | Combined Reports
Need Help With Study Skills? Ask Ali
Videos offering study skills advice and recorded by a former student are available online.
September 2, 2010 | Stefanie Dion Jones
Passion Play – UConn Football 2010
After a difficult 2009 season, the close-knit Husky football team is ready to prove itself.
September 1, 2010 | Bret Eckhardt & Kenneth Best
Laundry Now Free for Students Living on Campus
New washers and dryers in dorms will save money for students and the University.
September 1, 2010 | Michael Kirk
Welcome Home, Huskies!
Strike up the band, juggle the schedules, and get caught up in the new year at UConn!
August 26, 2010 | Bret Eckhardt