
Sustainable Living – the UConn Way

Students share their interest in the environment while growing organic produce.

UConn Remains New England’s Top Public University for 2011

UConn remains the top-ranked public university in New England.

Lights! Camera! Action!

A summer program for kids entering grades 5-10 combined physics, chemistry and a chance to make movies.

Better Connecticut Host Visits UConn’s Storrs Campus

Better Connecticut host Scot Haney finds plenty to smile about during a recent UConn tour.

Fireflies Blink in Synch to Send a Uniform Message

Synchronized flashing by male fireflies helps a female recognize a mate, says a UConn researcher.

Middle school students learn about the ocean from Project Oceanology staff during Marine Science Day. (UConn Photo/Christine Sziabowski)

Local Students Discover the Ocean at Avery Point Marine Science Day

The students learned about Long Island Sound, its inhabitants, and reasons for its conservation.

Korey Stringer Institute a Natural Fit for UConn’s Kinesiology Department

UConn was Kelci Stringer's first choice for a research institute honoring her late husband.

Exploring the Origins of Language

Marie Coppola studies gesture systems developed by deaf people with no access to conventional sign language.

Using Stem Cells to Study Alcohol Dependence

Health Center scientists are testing the effects of alcohol on neural tissue generated from artificially produced stem cells.

UConn A Cappella Groups Recognized Among Nation’s Best

Two UConn groups are featured on a nationally distributed CD, The Best of College A Cappella.