Tag: School of Fine Arts

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Rogie Royce Carandang of the Department of Public Health Sciences at UConn School of Medicine.

Outstanding Author

UConn School of Medicine Postdoctoral Research Fellow Rogie Royce Carandang honored by The Journal of Public Health and Emergency

ABC News

Scientists Were Shocked By How Warm It Was in 2023. The Following Year Was Even Hotter,

Amelia Magistrali, UConn Extension’s associate educator in soil health (Kara Bonsack/UConn Photo)

Improving Soil Health in Connecticut with a Systems Approach

The state of our soil has "been a wakeup call." UConn Extension educator Amelia Magistrali is helping protect and preserve this crucial resource across Connecticut

UConn John Dempsey Hospital.

UConn Health Only Hospital in CT Most Likely Recommended by Patients

UConn John Dempsey Hospital has a 5-star top rating.

Siblings Logan and Kaeleigh Broyles with BS/CEIN graduate cohort

UConn Nursing is Keeping it in the Family

Family members graduated side by side at School of Nursing's December CEIN/BS ceremony

Zachary Collier

Neag School Faculty Member Named a 2025 Emerging Scholar

Assistant professor Zachary K. Collier has been honored by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

UConn's Wilbur Cross Building used to be UConn’s central repository for books, scholarly publications, and multimedia of all kinds.

UConn Firsts: The First Standalone Library

Before the Homer Babbidge Library became UConn’s central repository for books, scholarly publications, and multimedia of all kinds, generations of UConn students had spent countless hours in a different library altogether – the Wilbur Cross Building

Military personnel working with computers.

D2REAM Engineering: Where Research Meets Imagination

UConn’s D2REAM Center research activities address vital needs of governmental and industrial entities, all facing challenges integrating digital engineering models into the product-development process

Voters waiting in line before the polls open at the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center on November 5, 2024 in Houston, Texas.

Student’s IDEA Project Looks at US Media Bias Around Political Ideology

'Some of these words are so strong, they are going to be a decisive factor in how someone decides to consume media'

Entryway sign lit up green for St. Patricks Day and for Sustainability.

Commitment to Energy Sustainability Links Huskies From Different Generations Through International Contest

'For students who are at the very beginning of their careers to put together such a sophisticated design with such pragmatic energy realism is very impressive'