Director, Digital Content & Strategy
Emily Zangari
North Dakota transplant, but a lover of all things New England. Emily was adopted into the Husky family after years in professional hockey social. When she's not glued to her phone, you can find her watching football (#Skol!), hiking with her pups, or on the hunt for the best Mexican food on the east coast.
Author Archive
Message to the University Community
President Maric shares a summer update
July 11, 2023 | Office of the President
Message Regarding UConn Health Leadership Structure
President Maric announces a national search for UConn Health CEO in the coming weeks
July 10, 2023 | Office of the President
Ask UConn Extension: Tips for Stretching Your Food Dollars
UConn Extension can help consumers find ways to stretch their food dollars and still eat healthy
July 3, 2023 | Dianisi Torres, UConn Extension/College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
A Message to the UConn Community on Today’s Supreme Court Decision
A Letter from President Maric on today's supreme court decision
June 29, 2023 | Office of the President
Three Faculty Awarded Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Title
UConn has selected three of its most renowned scholars to honor with its most prestigious faculty title, the Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor
June 28, 2023 | Alexis Lohrey, Office of the Provost
UConn Alumna Makes a Dream Come True at High School Graduation
Calibe Simpson, a Jamaican immigrant who struggled with homelessness, got the surprise of her life at her high school graduation in Hartford last week thanks to a UConn alumna
June 23, 2023 | Grace Merritt, UConn Foundation
Message from President Maric on the State Budget
President Maric addresses the state budget and its impact on UConn and UConn Health over the next two years
June 6, 2023 | Office of the President
Finding a Home in the Asian American Cultural Center
“They believe in the power of education and their contributions here have had a critical impact on generations of students. They are extraordinary people"
May 26, 2023 | Grace Merritt, UConn Foundation
Faculty, staff, and students are recognized for their Excellence in Community Engagement
The Provost’s Awards for Excellence in Community Engaged Scholarship (PAECES) recognize scholarly activities that integrate community engagement with research, creative work, and teaching
May 23, 2023 | Merly Downey, Office of Outreach & Engagement
A Message from Provost D’Alleva Regarding the Anti-Black Racism Course Requirement
On May 1, the University Senate voted to take the important step of creating a social justice requirement within UConn’s curriculum
May 17, 2023 | Office of the Provost